6.2.0: Animations, hero block and various tweaks
- Helper classes to build entrance animations (has-viewport-effect and is-in-viewport)
- New hero block with 3 layouts: background, columns and stack
- Archives no longer use hero module because that causes unneeded complexity later on
- Single posts no longer use hero component and have header where image is not cropped and is above text
- IE11 support is weakened by removing visual polyfill object-fit and using more gap with flexbox (will be eventually deprecated)
- Footer now has "Legal menu" for all those privacy police, cookie declaration etc links
- Gravity Forms module now has default GDPR and spam settings for new forms
- Enhanced Numeric post navigation styles
- Columns have style variation with small box shadow
Smaller tweaks:
- Columns use gap instead of margins
- Animations for submenus
- Submenus have more padding and are light by default
- Background block has section tags
- Video preview is fixed in editor
- ES6 syntax for navigation scripts