Geoffrey Kithuku
Welcome to Intoxica. You wanna get intoxicated? This is the right app for you. Prepare any kind of cocktail at your comfort.
Have Git installed.
Have a text editor installed e.g VS Code, Atom
HTML, CSS, cocktailDb API and JavaScript
Any text editor of your choice.
Open your terminal (ctrl+alt+T).
Initialize git on your terminal.
git clone
open the 'intoxica' folder.
Open the file named index.html on your preferred browser.
Enter cocktail of choice into the input boxes.
You use any known word or ingredient
Click Submit.
Wait for the response from the web application to get your cocktail info, steps and preparation procedure.
Load, submit, click
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eabd9ab91bacbd6b49cc2dea9e8cef15aee5c8d1 this project is copyright free. feel free to fork, clone and edit