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Darktrace vSensor Quickstart for GCP


This Quick Start deploys Darktrace vSensor virtual threat detection on Google Cloud Platform (GCP). For deploying on Amazon Web Services (AWS), see terraform-aws-vsensor.

Darktrace vSensors analyze raw packet data from mirrored virtual private cloud (VPC) traffic to learn to identify threats. This guide covers the steps necessary to deploy this Quick Start.

Darktrace vSensors accept traffic from mirroring subnets (GCP Virtual Private Cloud Packet Mirroring) and from Darktrace osSensor agents.

  • GCP Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Packet Mirroring copies traffic from VPC subnets you want to monitor.
  • Darktrace osSensors can be configured on virtual machines and containerized applications. Darktrace osSensors are available for Linux, Windows, and as a container for any system that can run the Docker Engine.

Darktrace vSensors can also be configured to accept syslog feeds of third-party security information and event management tools.

Darktrace vSensors perform deep packet inspection and extract meta-data from the traffic sources. This meta-data is then submitted to a connected Darktrace cloud service or physical Darktrace deployment over port 443 (TLS). PCAP (packet capture) data is also produced by the vSensor for forensic analysis. This is stored in a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

This guide covers the steps necessary to deploy this Quick Start.

Architecture Diagram


This module sets up the following:

  • A VPC (optional), or provide an existing VPC to deploy into
  • A Subnet for containing the internal vSensors
  • A Cloud Router to provide vSensors with appliance / update connectivity
  • A Managed Instance Group containing vSensors with predictive autoscaling
  • (Optional) A GCP Storage bucket for storing PCAPS for later analysis
  • GCP IAP (SSH-in-Browser) ssh access to the vSensors
  • IAM role assignments configuring GCP Ops Agent logging and (optionally) Storage bucket
  • (Optional) A Bastion subnet, firewall rules and host for allowing external access to the vSensors
  • (Optional) User and public ssh key for ssh public key authentication

Deployment options

This Quick Start terraform module provides the following deployment options:

  • Deploy Darktrace vSensor into an existing VPC. This option provisions Darktrace vSensor in your existing GCP infrastructure in a new subnet.
  • Deploy Darktrace vSensor into a new VPC. This option builds a new GCP environment that consists of the VPC, subnet, Cloud NAT (Public), and other infrastructure components. It then deploys Darktrace vSensor into this new VPC.

Pre deployment steps

Register a push token and obtain a Darktrace vSensor update key.

Register a new push token to enable connection between vSensor probes and an existing Darktrace on-premise or cloud instance. All of the vSensor instances in one deployment should share the same push token.

  1. Log into the Darktrace console.

  2. From the main menu, choose Admin > System Config, then access the "Settings" page.

  3. Locate the "Push Probe Tokens" section. At the bottom of the list of probes is a field to create a new token. Enter a label for the vSensor deployment.

  4. Choose Add. You will need to record two variables from the resulting window. The vSensor Update Key (also found on the Darktrace customer portal) and the Push Token. The Push Token is only displayed once.

  5. In GCP Secret Manager create a new secret with a unique name eg. darktrace_vsensor_update_key and the value of the vSensor Update Key obtained previously.

  6. In GCP Secret Manager create a new secret with a unique name eg. darktrace_push_token and the value of the Push Token obtained previously. (Any additional Darktrace master deployments will require their own push token)

If you have a physical Darktrace deployment behind a firewall, you must grant access to the instance from the IP addresses of your NAT Gateways after deployment.

Note: Darktrace cloud offerings are already configured to allow Push Token access, no firewall changes are necessary.

Set osSensor shared HMAC secret key

The shared HMAC secret key between the osSensor and vSensor is optional for the installation. If the HMAC is not provided the module will not set the osSensor shared HMAC secret key on the vSensors, such that osSensors can not connect.

  1. In GCP Secret Manager create a new secret with a unique name eg. os_sensor_hmac_token and the value of the osSensor shared HMAC secret key obtained previously.

Enabled GCP APIs

The following GCP APIs are required for deploying this template:

  • Compute Engine
  • Deployment Manager v2
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • IAM Service Account Credentials
  • Cloud Resource Manager
  • Cloud Logging
  • Cloud Monitoring
  • Secret Manager


Before you start

When the module is used to create a new VPC for deploying the vSensors, there are still no subnets in that VPC for packet mirroring, hence the module cannot configure the packet mirroring. Once the terraform deployment has completed you can create the subnets for the instances that traffic will be mirrored. Then, you can either:

  • configure the packet mirroring manually,
  • provide the names of these subnets to the module (input variable mirrored_subnets) and run again terraform apply which will configure the packet mirroring; this way, the packet mirroring resource will be managed by the terraform module and you can use it to change the packet mirroring filter parameter (mirrored_protocols, mirrored_cidr_ranges, mirrored_direction).

The CIDR range for the subnet that the vSensors will be deployed in, should have enough usable IP addresses for the maximum vSensor instances (see mig_max_size) plus one for the Internal passthrough Network Load Balancer. Learn more about how GCP uses the IP addresses in a subnet.

Deploy Darktrace vSensor into an existing VPC

module "vsensors" {
  source = "git::<version>"

  project_id = "XXXXXXX"
  region     = "europe-west1"

  deployment_prefix = "euw1a"

  existing_vpc_name = "XXXXXXX"
  mirrored_subnets  = ["XXXX-sub1", "XXXX-sub2"]

  mig_subnet_cidr = ""

  sm_update_key        = "sm_test_update_key"
  sm_push_token        = "sm_test_push_token"
  sm_ossensor_hmac     = "sm_test_hmac_token"
  dt_instance_hostname = ""


Deploy Darktrace vSensor into a new VPC

module "vsensors" {
  source = "git::<version>"

  project_id = "XXXXXXX"
  region     = "europe-west1"

  deployment_prefix = "euw1a"

  new_vpc_enable = true

  mig_subnet_cidr = ""

  sm_update_key        = "sm_test_update_key"
  sm_push_token        = "sm_test_push_token"
  sm_ossensor_hmac     = "sm_test_hmac_token"
  dt_instance_hostname = ""



Name Version
terraform >= 1.4
google >= 4.79
google-beta >= 4.79
random ~>3.5


Name Version
google >= 4.79
google-beta >= 4.79
random ~>3.5


No modules.


Name Type
google-beta_google_compute_forwarding_rule.vsensor resource
google-beta_google_compute_region_autoscaler.vsensor resource
google-beta_google_compute_region_instance_group_manager.vsensor resource
google_compute_address.vsensor_bastion_external resource
google_compute_address.vsensor_lb resource
google_compute_address.vsensor_nat_external resource
google_compute_firewall.traffic_mirror resource
google_compute_firewall.vsensor_bastion_fw resource
google_compute_health_check.vsensor resource
google_compute_instance_from_template.vsensor_bastion_vm resource
google_compute_instance_template.vsensor resource
google_compute_instance_template.vsensor_bastion resource
google_compute_network.vsensor resource
google_compute_packet_mirroring.vsensor resource
google_compute_region_backend_service.vsensor resource
google_compute_router.vsensor resource
google_compute_router_nat.vsensor resource
google_compute_subnetwork.vsensor resource
google_compute_subnetwork.vsensor_bastion resource
google_project_iam_member.vsensor resource
google_project_iam_member.vsensor-hmac resource
google_project_iam_member.vsensor_bastion_log resource
google_project_iam_member.vsensor_bastion_mon resource
google_secret_manager_secret_iam_member.sm_ossensor_hmac resource
google_secret_manager_secret_iam_member.sm_push_token resource
google_secret_manager_secret_iam_member.update_key resource
google_service_account.vsensor resource
google_service_account.vsensor_bastion resource
google_storage_bucket.vsensor_pcaps resource
google_storage_bucket_iam_member.legacy_bucket_owner_po resource
google_storage_bucket_iam_member.legacy_bucket_reader_sa resource
google_storage_bucket_iam_member.object_admin_po resource
google_storage_bucket_iam_member.object_admin_sa resource
random_string.rnd_deploy_id resource
google_compute_network.default data source
google_compute_zones.available data source
google_project.project data source
google_secret_manager_secret.ossensor_hmac data source
google_secret_manager_secret.push_token data source
google_secret_manager_secret.update_key data source


Name Description Type Default Required
bastion_enable (Optional; applicable only if new_vpc_enable = true) If true a standalone/single bastion host will be installed to provide ssh remote access to the vSensors.
A new subnet will be created for the bastion.
bool false no
bastion_ssh_cidr (Optional) List of Subnet CIDR ranges that the Bastion will accept SSH from. Add to the list to enable GCP IAP (SSH-in-Browser) ssh access to the Bastion. Do not provide any value if bastion is not enabled. list(string) [] no
bastion_ssh_user_key (Optional) Bastion username and public ssh key for ssh public key authentication in format 'username:ssh_public_key'.
This will be added to the instance metadata:
Example: bastion_ssh_user_key = "test:ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILg6UtHDNyMNAh0GjaytsJdrUxjtLy3APXqZfNZhvCeT test"
string null no
bastion_subnet_cidr (Optional) Subnet CIDR range that the Bastion will be deployed in (must not overlap with vSensor or other subnets in the VPC). Example: Do not provide any value if bastion is not enabled. string null no
deployment_prefix The name of the deployment and VM instance.
A string that will be used to create deployment ID and resource names. It can contain between two and five lowercase alphabet characters and digits.
It must start with lowercase alphabet character."
string n/a yes
dt_instance_hostname Host name of the Darktrace Master instance. string n/a yes
dt_instance_port Connection port between vSensor and the Darktrace Master instance. number 443 no
existing_vpc_name The existing VPC network name where the vSensors will be deployed. If new_vpc_enable = true this will be ignored. string "" no
mig_instance_type The machine type to use to create the vSensor. Sizing requirements can be found at string "e2-standard-2" no
mig_max_size Maximum number of vSensor instances in the Autoscaling group. It is recommended to be set larger than the mig_min_size to allow Autoscaling and instance replacement actions to work correctly. number 3 no
mig_min_size Minimum number of vSensor instances in the Autoscaling group. number 2 no
mig_ssh_user_key vSensor username and public ssh key for ssh public key authentication in format 'username:ssh_public_key'.
This will be added to the instance metadata:
Example: mig_ssh_user_key = "test:ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAILg6UtHDNyMNAh0GjaytsJdrUxjtLy3APXqZfNZhvCeT test"
string null no
mig_subnet_cidr Subnet range that the vSensors will be deployed in (must not overlap with bastion or other subnets in VPC). string n/a yes
mig_zone The distribution policy for the vSensors managed instance group.
You can specify one or more values, for example ["europe-west1-b", "europe-west1-c"].
The default (empty) means all zones in the region.
list(string) [] no
mirrored_cidr_ranges IP CIDR ranges that apply as a filter on the source (ingress) or destination (egress) IP in the IP header.
Only IPv4 is supported.
Use to allow all IP ranges.
Example: ["", ""].
The default value is "".
mirrored_direction Direction of traffic to mirror.
Possible values are: INGRESS, EGRESS, BOTH. NOTE: any setting other than BOTH may lead to unidirectional traffic alerts on the Darktrace master instance.
The default value is BOTH.
string "BOTH" no
mirrored_protocols (Optional). IP protocols to mirror.
Possible IP protocols including ah, esp, icmp, ipip, sctp, tcp, udp, or an IP protocol number between 0 and 255.
Example: ["tcp", "udp"] to mirror only tcp and udp protocols.
Do not provide any value to mirror all IP protocols.
The default is to mirror all IP protocols.
Changing the value will force resource replacement (destroy and then create replacement).
list(string) [] no
mirrored_subnets (Optional) Names of the subnets to be mirrored. For example ["mirror-subnet-1", "mirror-subnet-2"].
If left empty, no packet mirroring policy will be created.
In such cases, packet mirroring policy can be manually created later, or once the module has completed, mirrored_subnets can be added and another terraform apply will create the policy.
list(string) [] no
new_vpc_enable If true will create a new VPC network. The name of the new network will be of the form deployment_prefix-<random-string>-. bool false no
project_id Project ID. string n/a yes
region The region that the resources will be deployed into. string n/a yes
retention_time_days Number of days to retain captured packets in the bucket. Longer retention will increase storage costs. Set to 0 to disable PCAPs and Storage bucket. number 7 no
sm_ossensor_hmac (Optional)Secret Manager Secret Name of the hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) token to authenticate osSensors with vSensor. string "" no
sm_push_token Secret Manager Secret Name of the push token. The push token is used to authenticate the vSensor with the Darktrace Master instance. string n/a yes
sm_update_key Secret Manager Secret Name of the vSensor update key. If you don't have one, contact your Darktrace representative. string n/a yes
ssh_iap (Forces re-creating the vSensor) Enable or disable GCP IAP (SSH-in-Browser) ssh access to the vSensors. Accepted values are enable or disable. The default is enable. After the vSensors have been deployed, changing the value will force re-creating the vSensors in the create before destroy fashion. string "enable" no


Name Description
bastion_external_ip Public IP address used for the Bastion VM.
lb_ip LB fronend IP.
mig_distribution_zones Zones configured for vSensors managed instance group (MIG).
mig_subnets_id Subnet id where the vSensors are deployed.
mirrored_protocols List of the packet mirroring protocols.
nat_external_ip Public IP address used for NAT router to allow vSensors access to Darktrace cloud service / physical Darktrace deployment and software updates.
pcaps_bucket_name The name of the bucket that stores the PCAPs.
pcaps_bucket_self_link The URI of the bucket that stores the PCAPs.
pcaps_bucket_url The base URL of the bucket that stores the PCAPs.
project_id The project id.
project_number The project number.
service_account_vsensor_email The service account email.
vpc_id The ID of the new VPC.
vpc_name The name of the new VPC.
vpc_self_link The self_link of the new VPC.

Post deployment steps

Configure networking

If you have a physical Darktrace deployment behind a firewall, you must grant access to the instance to the NAT router public IP addresses (output_nat_external_ip).

Configure Packet mirroring

If mirrored_subnets was left empty, no Packet Mirroring Policy will be created. The module allows this to be configured post-deployment:

  • Provide the names of the subnets to be mirrored (input variable mirrored_subnets);
  • Run terraform apply again;

Alternatively, this can be configured manually from the GCP console.

Configure osSensor shared HMAC secret key

The shared HMAC secret key between the osSensor and vSensor is optional for the installation. If the HMAC is not provided the module will not set the osSensor shared HMAC secret key on the vSensors.

Later, the deployment might require setting the HMAC on the vSensors. In that case:

  • Configure the sm_ossensor_hmac with the HMAC secret key;
  • Run terraform apply again;

Be aware, that the above will force vSensors replacement and some downtime is expected. It is advised that such changes are planned for a Maintenance Window.


In scenarios of invalid configuration parameters, upstream internet access blocked and other cases of the VM instances failing to install and configure Darktrace vSensor, the Managed Instance Group will fail to deploy.

In most situations, logging will be available from the vSensor start up in "Logs Explorer". In "LOG NAME" look for vsensor-userdata.

If no userdata logging is provided in "Logs Explorer", you may need to connect directly to the vSensor via GCP IAP (SSH-in-Browser) or ssh from a Bastion and retrieve /var/log/user-data.log directly.

For situations where the error is not clear, contact Darktrace Customer Support via the Darktrace Customer Portal, provide the terraform error and one of the above userdata logs if available.

Configuration changes

Change the packet mirroring filter

If Packet mirroring was configured via Terraform, changes in the packet mirroring filter, for example the mirrored_protocols, will replace the resource google_compute_packet_mirroring in a 'destroy and then create replacement' manner. You will encounter a short downtime and it is advised that such changes are planned for a Maintenance Window.

Logging / Metrics

Google Ops Agent is configured on the vSensors and bastion automatically to provide more detailed statistics including CPU, memory and bandwidth.

It also provides Log Explorer logs in four 'Log Name' groups to support debugging:

  • vsensor-syslog For general syslog logging.
  • vsensor-updates For logging from apt/dpkg package updating of the vSensor and OS packages.
  • vsensor-services For logging from the main vSensor product components.
  • vsensor-userdata For logging from the initial vSensor installation.

Multiple Regions or projects

The module uses regional resources.

Each new deployment into a new region or GCP project should be given a new push token generated from the master instance UI config page. Each push token refers to a scalable set of vSensors, which share the same Cloud Storage bucket and config. When querying for pcap data, the master instance only queries one vSensor in the probe group (to avoid querying the same Cloud Storage bucket multiple times). If the same push token is reused in multiple environments, querying for PCAP data will only search one of the environments and miss the rest.


Terraform module for deploying Darktrace vSensor in GCP







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