Cloud-J 7.7.2
NOTE: This is the first release with a DOI
- Changed hard-coding LWEPAR in cldj_cmn_mod to be passed from parent model unless using standalone
- Added CLOUDJ_STANDALONE c-proprocessor switch to generalize code to use instead within a parent model
- Added integer status flag RC to most subroutines and pass it back up to parent model with error messages
- Added subroutine CLOUDJ_ERROR to print error message and set integer status flag RC
file for auto-creation of DOI upon issuing a new release
- Removed subroutine EXITC and replaced it with CLOUDJ_ERROR_STOP in standalone and CLOUDJ_ERROR elsewhere
Full Changelog: 7.7.1...7.7.2
Pull Requests Included
- Set levels with cloud from parent model by @lizziel in #17
- Improve error handling by @lizziel in #19
- Mac build by @K20shores in #18
- Update the .zenodo.json file for auto-DOI generation upon release by @yantosca in #22
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 7.7.1...7.7.2