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Room booking system


Two companies, COKE and PEPSI, are sharing an office building. Tomorrow is COLA day (for one day), that the two companies are celebrating. They are gathering a number of business partners in the building. In order to optimize space utilization, they have decided to set-up a joint booking system where any user can book one of the 20 meeting rooms available, 10 from each company (C01, C02, ..., C10 and P01, P02, ...., P10). The two companies would prefer that they do not have to use a central booking system for this (as they do not trust each other or anyone else to not take advantage of the situation) - but it’s up to you to decide if you want to implement this functionality or not, and how. The booking system has the following functionalities:

  • Users can see hourly meeting room availability of any of the 20 meeting rooms on COLA day (8:00-9:00, 9:00-10:00, etc.)
  • Users can book meeting rooms by the hour (first come first served)
  • Users can cancel their own reservations

Functional requirements

  • Both companies provide a set of meeting rooms to the booking platform
  • Both company's employees are authorized to book a meeting room within both companies
  • Only reservation owners can cancel their own reservation
  • Meeting room availability and reservation are public information
  • Both company's employees have unique credential

Non-functional requirements

  • Both company's administrator has the same rights
  • Meeting room can be booked only once (first come first served)
  • Each company can run its own instance of the booking platform
  • Reservation process must be transparent

Reasoning the taken approach

Considering above requirements, I deem that, the best approach to overcome them is the usage of distributed technologies such as a blockchain network + smart-contracts. Out of the multiple alternatives for it such as NEO, EOS and others we are going to use Ethereum + Solidity for this project along the toolkit of web3: web3js, truffle...

To interact with an ethereum blockchain we have two alternatives:

  • Client side application: Private-keys hold by the employee
  • Server side application: Private-keys hold by the company side

For the sake of simplicity I am going to implement a server-side application where each company is going to run its own instance of a NodeJS server connected to it own local instance of Ethereum blockchain holding the encrypted wallets of its own employees. The application will consist on a express HTTP API to interact with the deployed smart-contracts, where the employee provides the passphrase to decrypt its wallet and trust on its own company server to send the transaction to book/cancel a room reservation and also to query the status of the meeting rooms.



  • Node >= v10.0
  • Ganache-cli: We are going to use ganache to simulate a ethereum network for development

Install project deps

Install project NodeJS deps by the following command

npm install

Install ganache globally

We need to have ganache-cli installed globally, if you don't having it yet, run the next command:

npm install -g ganache-cli


Running ganache-cli service

We have to run ganache-cli in a separate terminal and keep it running during the next of the steps

$> bash ./scripts/

Ganache is being launched using deterministic account creation:

Available Accounts
(0) 0xA3e9673227000F4738827c4baB6913ef34b469bc (1000 ETH)
(1) 0xAD1292f481aDcaa52e01913259a99486E156d09E (1000 ETH)
(2) 0xda8AfC03d445E960c95c04299cf835025d92E235 (1000 ETH)
(3) 0x9279d8679F8Ed3a4a2c6f5101C2CF675F228E9F1 (1000 ETH)
(4) 0x3E0E01002FC8e23579b4DaB7A5c25FaD49a1425f (1000 ETH)
(5) 0xc311C525fa9afe1E332aBCB41F73AC3329231cA4 (1000 ETH)
(6) 0x5448Fa095dd0cC1E180FeFD621f0E7F9f4fC6187 (1000 ETH)
(7) 0x81f8D4098b7d39DBD95827ed224D9357c22C5352 (1000 ETH)
(8) 0x6D8bEA5cda361a443EaeaEAf914184c182D9A8Dc (1000 ETH)
(9) 0xE2282c5ED20bb21832eCc6EA7fac087CDC815A4E (1000 ETH)

Project setup

Step 0: Copy .env.sample

$> cp .env.sample .env

By default the sample env file contains the default ganache-cli RPC connection:


Step 1: Compile smart contracts

Compile latest version of the application smart-contracts

$> npm run truffle:compile

Step 2: Update companyOne and companyTwo information

To initialize your the roomBooking.sol smart-contract, we need to insert the information about the companies which are going to take part in the platform:

On above files we will need to update the information referring to the companyOwner and *[employee].address using the accounts generate by ganache-cli:

$> vim ./setup/companyOne.json
"companyOwner": "<ACCOUNT_1>",
  "employees": [
      "username": "employee_1",
      "address": "<ACCOUNT_2>"

Step 3: Deploying and initializing application contracts

Once our company json files are updated we have to launch the setup script to deploy our application smart-contracts:

  • Company.sol: Company's information and administration business logic for employees and meeting rooms
  • RoomBooking.sol: Booking meeting room impl
$> npm run server:setup
> node ./bin/setup.js
  app:setup REMEMBER: Update your ".env":
  app:setup 	...
  app:setup 	... +0ms
  app:setup Finished successfully +1ms

Once the script is completed we will have a roomBooking.sol smart-contract deployed and initialize with companyOne and companyTwo.

Step 3: Update .env

At last, we have to copy the .env.sample to .env to with the recently deployed roomBooking.sol smart-contract address:

$> vim .env


Once our environment is ready we can finally spawn our HTTP API server by executing following command:

$> npm run server:dev
> cross-env NODE_ENV=development node ./bin/www

  app:www Server listening on +0ms

By default HTTP API will be running on, if you want to use a different PORT or listening host, update .env:



Smart contracts test

npm run truffle:test

Manual api testing (curl)

Check room availability

$> curl --request GET 'localhost:3000/isRoomAvailable?roomId=C01&companyId=COLA&bookingDateHour=2019-10-10T18:00'

Create a new reservation

$> curl --request POST 'localhost:3000/reservation' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-u 0xAD1292f481aDcaa52e01913259a99486E156d09E:password \
--data-raw '{

Fetch reservation information

$> curl --request GET 'localhost:3000/reservation/0x6016776d8e9c88fe645b1bd84d60fb9be3c68757a43126292cab9cd157525580'

Delete reservation

$> curl --request DELETE 'localhost:3000/reservation/0x6016776d8e9c88fe645b1bd84d60fb9be3c68757a43126292cab9cd157525580' \
-u 0xAD1292f481aDcaa52e01913259a99486E156d09E:password

Integration Api testing

@TODO Implement JTest+Supertest test suite



In case you need to install docker, follow this instructions

Create container

First, we need to build a new docker image

$> npm run docker:build

Run container

Then, we can run a new docker container using the command above:

$> npm run docker:run


Distributed Room booking platform







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