Given at GetTaxi, Feb 19 2015
Given at SeekingAlpha, March 16 2015
Given at at Perion, October 13th, 2015
material for jenkins workshop
requirements: Linux/MacOS laptop with Java6 or higher installed.
Git installed
Github user
Good internet connection.
Agenda: 5 minute intro - what is Jenkins and what people use it for
55 minutes hands on work. (part 1)
15 minute break
45 minutes hands on work, (part 2+3)
Step 1: Download Jenkins:
Step 2: start jenkins: java -jar jenkins.war
echo Hello world!
say hello world every minute! (cron expression for this is "* * * * *")
create a jenkins job that checks if you are online every minute, and then disconnect the wifi. (command to ping 3 times is for example "ping -c 3 host")
Create a job that passes or fails based on a choice in build parameter.
create a jenkins job that sends an email to yourself. How to enable local smtp on mac os:
create a job called "knock knock", which calls a another job that says "who's there?"
create a job that would take a long time to run, and look at the actual script running
create a job that would take a long time to run, run it several times, what happens ?
create a job that fails permanently, and use the naginator plugin to have it try again in increasing variable time
repo URL:
create a job that triggers a clone based on pushed items to this repo
create a build, test, deploy pipeline based on jenkins jobs