- A text editor is a program that allows you to open, view and edit files that contain text or code.
- Basic examples are Notepad for Windows or TextEdit for OSX. You can make websites with these!
- A good text editor for developers highlights your syntax, helps you complete your code and scales to your development style.
- Free trial for life ($70)
- Developed by a former Google software engineer named Jon Skinner since late 2007.
- Simple
- Highly configurable
- Generally used in all Girl Develop It classes
- Open Files/Folders
- Finding files or functions
- Syntax highlighting
- Color errors
- Spacing
- Code suggestion
- Multiple cursors
- What are packages?
- Packages are a collection of resource files used by Sublime Text: plugins, syntax highlighting definitions, menus, snippets and more. Sublime Text ships with several packages, and more user created ones are available.
- Install Package Control
- Install Packages
- Command Pallete
- List Packages
- Tools > Command Palette > Package Control: List Packages
- Remove Packages
- Tools > Command Palette > Package Control: Remove Packages
- This will list packages and allot you to remove them.
- Add Themes
- Material Theme (https://github.com/equinusocio/material-theme)
- Material Theme App Bar - Gives cool colors
- Add Color Scheme
- Add the Material Theme color scheme, because it works well with the theme we are installing.
- Material Theme (https://github.com/equinusocio/material-theme)
- Add Fonts
- Download from website and point to font in config file
- Source Code Pro (http://adobe-fonts.github.io/source-code-pro/)
- Add Syntax highlighter for a language (SASS?)
- Install Color Highlighter
- Install Emmet