3 commits
to development
since this release
What's Changed
- Small VCF Annotation: First Pass w/out Terra Testing by @quinnwai in #4
- Initial Scaling of VCF to Evidence Processing by @quinnwai in #12
- Add 1000G test for small vcf by @quinnwai in #17
- Feature/gnomad formatting by @bwalsh in #18
- Adds disk cache by @bwalsh in #19
- Feature/packaging by @bwalsh in #20
- Fix/cache dir by @bwalsh in #27
- Feature/gather scatter gather by @bwalsh in #34
- bugs/terra-testing by @bwalsh in #41
- Improve README by @quinnwai in #32
- Feature/metakb by @bwalsh in #43
- chore/fix-coding-conventions by @quinnwai in #53
- Update VRS-Python to 2.0.05a by @quinnwai in #55
- Feature/metakb-results by @quinnwai in #56
- Cleanup/bugs and tests by @quinnwai in #57
- Feature/example scripts by @quinnwai in #62
- feature/better-threaded-translator by @bwalsh in #63
- Feature/figure improvements by @quinnwai in #67
- renames cmd to vrs_bulk by @bwalsh in #76
- Usage docs by @quinnwai in #87
- feature/terra-setup by @quinnwai in #90
- save manifest to file by @quinnwai in #85
- feature/making-cache-scalable by @quinnwai in #89
- bump version 0.1.0 by @quinnwai in #91
- TKEDTE-309 Explore GREGOR VCF->Participant->Phenotype by @bwalsh in #93
- update uris to gks-anvil org by @quinnwai in #99
- [TKEDTE-341] Feature/plugin-initial-refactor by @quinnwai in #102
- Feature/standardized output rebase by @quinnwai in #109
Full Changelog: https://github.com/gks-anvil/vrs_anvil_toolkit/commits/0.2.0rc5