What's Changed
- Create Readme.md by @Abhay-86 in #8
- Update Readme.md by @SrijanShovit in #9
- Add login functionality by @ajaman190 in #10
- Setup react-native-dotenv and updated the project setup instructions on Readme by @praneeth-rdy in #12
- Setup Jest and Add test cases for Login and Server screen by @ajaman190 in #14
- Implements storage of tokens by @VishalZ123 in #13
- Create GitHub action file for unit testing with jest by @ajaman190 in #18
- Add splash screen, app icon and adaptive icon by @ajaman190 in #19
- Add Drawer and Separate Navigations by @ajaman190 in #23
- Add Search Bar to Chat Screen by @ajaman190 in #28
- Updated the UI for organization URL page by @ajaman190 in #29
- Add tabs for contacts collection & saved searches by @ajaman190 in #34
- Added apollo client and config by @mdshamoon in #36
- #26 added contact messages page code formatted by @chandra-pro in #35
- Login UI updates by @mdshamoon in #45
- Fix Auth and App flow after login , logout by @ajaman190 in #42
- Add Notification and Filter by @ajaman190 in #43
- Render a collection list on the collection tab by @ajaman190 in #50
- Added theme by @ajaman190 in #54
- Fixes: Open the contact messages page with contact details by @ajaman190 in #53
- Added wallet balance by @mdshamoon in #65
- Add save the server url in async storage and eslint setup by @ajaman190 in #61
- Fixed Drawer UI and Apollo dynamic url by @ajaman190 in #70
- Added theme usages guideline. by @ajaman190 in #71
- updated contactlist ui #56 by @chandra-pro in #74
- Add send message functionality by @ajaman190 in #75
- I have updated ReadME.md File by @Siva20021 in #76
- Adds badge for notification count by @VishalZ123 in #77
- Added the contact profile page shown whenever contact name clicked in chat by @ANEESH-2003 in #79
- contact search functionality added #72 by @chandra-pro in #78
- Added notification page by @mdshamoon in #82
- right sidemenu position changed by @Abro0058T in #83
- added several tests by @ArkaPrabhaChowdhury in #81
- Add Conversation Filter, Modified Chat, Collection, Notification and Saved Search screen and their components, Added tests by @ajaman190 in #86
- Resolve conflicts by @nishant25062002 in #94
- Implements dynamic notifications by @VishalZ123 in #91
- Added media message components by @ajaman190 in #95
- Implement Reset Password, OTP, and New Password Screens by @ajaman190 in #100
- Add speed send, attachments tab, quick reply components and enhance notification screen performance by @ajaman190 in #101
- fix: One time org url setup by @ajaman190 in #115
- Adds types and removes lint issues by @VishalZ123 in #97
- Feat/collection messaging by @ajaman190 in #117
- feat: added dynamic search feature by @ajaman190 in #120
- Start a flow for Contact and Collection by @VishalZ123 in #119
- Enhancement/refresh token, loading & error component by @ajaman190 in #121
- Added minor UI updates by @mdshamoon in #122
- fix: modified ui by @ajaman190 in #125
- Terminate Flows and Clear Conversations by @VishalZ123 in #124
- bug: fixed one time server url setup by @ajaman190 in #130
- feat: updated the contact profile screens by @ajaman190 in #132
- feat: added login authentication popup message by @ajaman190 in #131
- feat: added block contact by @ajaman190 in #133
- Adds notification search by @VishalZ123 in #134
- Feature/conversation filter by @ajaman190 in #135
- bug: added mark notification as read and a bottom sheet by @ajaman190 in #136
- Add load more contacts feature by @ajaman190 in #138
- Adds Subscriptions for Sent and Received messages by @VishalZ123 in #137
New Contributors
- @Abhay-86 made their first contribution in #8
- @SrijanShovit made their first contribution in #9
- @ajaman190 made their first contribution in #10
- @praneeth-rdy made their first contribution in #12
- @VishalZ123 made their first contribution in #13
- @mdshamoon made their first contribution in #36
- @chandra-pro made their first contribution in #35
- @Siva20021 made their first contribution in #76
- @ANEESH-2003 made their first contribution in #79
- @Abro0058T made their first contribution in #83
- @ArkaPrabhaChowdhury made their first contribution in #81
- @nishant25062002 made their first contribution in #94
Full Changelog: https://github.com/glific/mobile/commits/v0.1.0