** or contact: pascucci@sci.utah.edu **
** For support: PIDX-support@visus.net **
PIDX is an efficient parallel I/O library that reads and writes multiresolution IDX data files.
Please see the complete documentation online: http://www.cedmav.com/pidx/docs.
Please see Getting Started for instructions on how to build and link PIDX with your application.
Mailing list:
Please join our mailing list by sending a message to sympa@sci.utah.edu with the subject subscribe pidx-users
Modifications: We welcome machine-specific modification and bug fixes: please send pull requests to http://github.com/sci-visus/PIDX.
Extending: If you would like to extend PIDX, please contact pascucci@sci.utah.edu.
Commercial Use: If you would like to use PIDX for commercial applications, please contact pascucci@sci.utah.edu.
.. [KumarSC12] Kumar, S., Pascucci, V., A PIDX Paper, Supercomputing 2012