An OpenCL implementation of a simulator for Spiking Neural Systems.
The project uses OpenCL 1.2 libraries on top of C++14.
- Non-determenism is not yet supported
- Built-in Environment not yet supported
- This means you have still have to create an "Environment neuron" to simulate an environment
- As an effect, input and output spike train not yet supported
- Tested upto input with 2752 neurons and 4032 rules
This project is hardware dependent so machines with different GPUs have different dependencies.
- Git
- OpenCL ICD Loader
- OpenCL headers
- C++ Boost library
- GNU Make
- GNU g++
- Google re2
- nVidia drivers for the card in your machine
- opencl-nvidia (Needed for execution) - cuda (Note: Nvidia implementation only currently supports OpenCL 1.1)
ATI drivers for the card in your machine
opencl-catalyst or opencl-mesa
- git 2.7.0
- g++ 5.3.0
- boost 1.6.0
- make 4.1
- cuda 8.0
- git 2.7.0
- g++ 4.8.1
- boost 1.55.0
- cuda 8.0
Update repositories
$ sudo pacman -Syu
Install packer
$ sudo pacman -S wget expac jshon $ mkdir packer $ cd packer $ sudo wget $ mv PKGBUILD?h=packer PKGBUILD $ makepkg $ sudo pacman -U packer-*********-*-any.pkg.tar.xz $ cd .. $ sudo rm -dR packer
Install gcc
$ sudo pacman -S gcc
Install and configure git
$ sudo pacman -S git $ git config --global "your name" $ git config --global
Install OpenCL headers and ICD Loaders
$ sudo pacman -S ocl-icd opencl-headers
Install GPU dependent dependencies
```bash $ sudo packer -S opencl-catalyst amdapp-sdk ```
```bash $ sudo pacman -S opencl-nvidia cuda ```
Install boost
$ sudo pacman -S boost
Install re2
$ sudo pacman -S re2-git
Update apt repositories
$ sudo apt-get update
Install git
$ sudo apt-get install git
Install boost
$ sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
Install boost compute:
Install google re2
Install opencl icd headers
$ sudo apt install ocl-icd-opencl-dev
Install AMD App SDK or CUDA SDK
Install the latest driver for your GPU
Install and configure git
Open git bash
Set global variables
> git config --global "your name" > git config --global
Install OpenCL SDK
- For NVIDIA install CUDA SDK
- For AMD install AMD App SDK
Install MinGW
- Set destination folder as "C:\MinGW" (default)
- On installer select
- mingw-developer-toolkit
- mingw32-base
- mingw32-gcc-g++
- msys-base
- msys-make (optional)
- Add C:\MinGW\bin to PATH environment variable
Download Boost 1.60 for windows then extract to C:\
- Rename folder to boost
- cd into boost folder
``` > cd C:\boost ```
- Build boost
``` > bootsrap mingw > b2 toolset=gcc ````
CD into project root
Build the project using make
$ make
CD into project root
CD into scripts
> cd scripts
Run compile.bat
> compile
cd into bin from project root
$ cd bin
For Parallel
$ ./oclsnp <input_binary> [--o output_file] [--txt | --silent]
For Linear
$ ./linsnp <input_binary> [--o output_file] [--txt | --silent]
cd into bin from project root
> cd bin
For Parallel
> oclsnp <input_binary>
For Linear
> linsnp <input_binary>