Releases: golgote/neturl
Releases · golgote/neturl
- Fixed a bug in query string parsing when escaped quote was present.
- Fixed a bug in query string parsing when multiple equal signs were present.
Issues reported by @GitSparTV in #28.
Full Changelog: v1.1-1...v1.2-1
New options to make encoding more flexible (some scheme are different from others in this regard, more or less strict):
is a table of characters that will not be url encoded in path components.legal_in_query
is a table of characters that will not be url encoded in query values. Query parameters on the other hand only support a small set of legal characters (-_.
is true by default, so a plus sign in a query value will be converted to %20 (space), not %2B (plus).
New function addSegment(path) which also works with __div metatable:
u = url.parse('') / 'bands' / 'AC/DC'