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SonGlue Netlify Status

View the SonGlue app Here



  • The ideal user for SonGlue is a musician/songwriter/composer trying to organize their songs/composition ideas
  • Songwriters can upload their unfinished musical ideas as "snippets" and assign them to a song idea
  • Musicians can view others' shared sounds if they mark them as public to get inspiration

MVP Features

  • Musicians sign in with Google authentication
  • Songwriters can browse the Shared Sounds section to view other people's public songs and public snippets only
  • Musicians can create, read, update and delete their own song ideas
  • Musicians can create read update and delte their own snippet ideas
  • Both Snippets and Songs have information regarding BPM, Key of, Title, Description, whether it's public, and whether it's a favorite
  • Users can searches their Snippets
  • Users can filter out and quickly view their favortie of their own Snippets

Video Walkthrough of MVP

Relevant Links

SonGlue ERD made using dbDiagram

  • Assumption: A song can have many snippets, but each snippet is associated with one song.

  • Flowchart

Code Snippet

To access the Firestore Cloud Storage:

const storage =;

To delete all of a Song's Snippets associated with the Song, while deleting the song too:

const deleteSongSnippets = (songId) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  getSnippetsBySong(songId).then((snippetsArray) => {
    const deleteSnippetPromises = => deleteSingleSnippet(snippet.firebaseKey));

    Promise.all(deleteSnippetPromises).then(() => {
  }).catch((error) => reject(error));

Project Screenshots of MVP

Home Page with Musician's Snippets

SonGlue Home Page

Profile Page with Musician's Songs

SonGlue Home Page

View Details of Snippet

SonGlue Home Page

Get Started

  1. Create a Firebase project and set up authentication.
  2. Clone Songrab to your local server
  1. Create a .env file at the root of the project
  2. Copy the environmental variables from Firebase and paste them as the properties of the keys found in your newly created .env file
  3. Import sample data found in data folder in to the Realtime Database
  4. From your command line, be in the root directory and run npm install OR npm i for short
  5. Then, run npm run prepare
  6. To start SonGlue, run npm run dev
  7. Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser

Tech and Frameworks Used

React Next JS Netlify Figma ESLint Prettier Javascript CSS3 Bootstrap

API Reference

Firebase Realtime Database and Firestore Cloud Storage


Thank you E21