Historical information about cyclones is published by the NHC (www.nhc.noaa.gov) in plain text/csv files called HURDAT2. These files contain a lot of information, but the format makes it difficult to filter and query as there are two different record types in the file. This script splits the two different record types into two relational tables stored in a sqlserver database with appropriate keys between the tables as well as spatial indexes to boost performance of spatial queries.
- Installation process: This script was tested in python 3.8. In order to run this on your machine, simply download
the script. There will be 3 items that need to be updated in the script to run on your system.
- database name
- location of hurdat2 txt files. My default is to store them in a resources sub folder of the script, but I did not include them here because I do not have a license for them. They can be downloaded here (https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/data/#hurdat). There are currently 2 files, one for the pacific and one for the atlantic.
- open a terminal window and navigate to the download directory. Type
python HURDAT2
to run the script
- Software dependencies. This script requires python 3.7, pandas 1.1.2, and sqlalchemy 1.3.19. A relatively recent SQL server driver is also necessary. This script was written with ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server installed which can be downloaded from Microsoft.
Once the databases have been setup by the script, spatial queries can be quickly performed. For example, if we wanted to know the hurricanes that have passed within 50 miles of San Juan, Puerto Rico. (18.396, -66.060) we could write a query like so:
SELECT event_id, name, start_time from Historical_HU
WHERE geography::Point(18.396, -66.060, 4326).STBuffer(50*1609).STIntersects(path_geo) = 1
This query took 164 milliseconds on a fairly modest sqlserver.
Items below are currently being worked on and could use help.
- 4 invalid codes found in the pacific file currently mapped to null
- 16 invalid storm paths are created. 10 from the atlantic and 6 from the eastern pacific. Currently stored in the database but will cause query errors as the geography is not valid. Mostly caused by observations of a storm being in the exact same location.
- include pickle of created pandas dataframes in distribution.