This program will verify your Google Ads client OAuth2 environment and report anomalies. Where possible, it will guide you through correcting the problems. This assumes that you have already completed the steps in your client library file.
The program vets your client library configuration file, verifies connectivity to the Google Ads host, and executes either the installed application or web flow OAuth2 process.
If it discovers errors it will attempt to guide you to correct them. For example, if your refresh token is invalid, it will walk you through the process of creating a valid token which is then written to your client library configuration file.
If you are building from source, follow the source installation instructions.
If you want to use a pre-compiled binary, fetch the repository and
cd <your_path>/google-ads-doctor/oauthdoctor/bin
There are three directories, one each for Darwin (OSX), Linux, and Windows. You can run the binary in place or copy the file to any location on your system.
├── darwin
│ ├── 386
│ └── amd64
├── linux
│ ├── 386
│ └── amd64
└── windows
├── 386
└── amd64
oauthdoctor -help
This displays the available command line options. Two of them, -language and -oauthtype are required. So for an installation using Python and the installed application OAuth flow, you would type:
oauthdoctor -language python -oauthtype installed_app
If your configuration file is not in your home directory (the default location), then you will want to specify the location with the --configpath option.
oauthdoctor -language python -oauthtype installed_app -configpath /my/path
-sysinfo prints the system information to stdout. This is primarily of use if you need to send the output of the program when contacting support.
-verbose is for debugging. It will print the complete JSON responses.
-hidePII is for when you are sending the output to someone and you want to mask sensitive information like your Client Secret.
If you want to send the output to someone else to assist you with a problem, consider using the --hidePII option. This will mask sensitive information such as your client secret and refresh token.
Clone the repository outside of your GOPATH. If you must clone within your
GOPATH then set the environment variable GO111MODULE=off
Download and install the Go programming language runtime latest version and follow the installation instructions.
Google Ads Doctor requires Go version 1.11 or greater because we are using Go modules for dependency management.
Once you have verified your Go installation, in a terminal, change to the directory where you cloned the repository and
cd oauthdoctor
At the command line, type:
go build ./oauthdoctor.go
This produces a binary called oauthdoctor. From here, follow the the instructions in Running the Program
If you have issues directly related to oauthdoctor
, use the
issue tracker
For issues with the Google Ads API, visit Google Ads API Support
- Bob Hancock
- Poki Chui