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[glyphs] Improve parsing of escape sequences
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This will now handle unicode escapes, including surrogate pairs. Will
error on unpaired surrogate pairs.

In the process of this work I noticed a few other omissions related to
string parsing; the major one is that the reference impl supports the
use of single quotes to delimit strings. This doesn't seem to be in any
of our sources, but it might be worth fixing now?
  • Loading branch information
cmyr committed Feb 24, 2025
1 parent 5d85bcb commit f5c926f
Showing 1 changed file with 125 additions and 36 deletions.
161 changes: 125 additions & 36 deletions glyphs-reader/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ pub enum Error {
#[error("Unknown escape code")]
#[error("Invalid unicode escape sequence: '{0}'")]
#[error("Expected string, found '{token_name}")]
NotAString { token_name: &'static str },
#[error("Missing '='")]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -69,7 +71,7 @@ pub enum Error {

#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub(crate) enum Token<'a> {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -471,43 +473,13 @@ impl<'a> Token<'a> {
b'\\' => {
ix += 1;
if ix == s.len() {
if ix + 1 == s.len() {
return Err(Error::UnclosedString);
let b = s.as_bytes()[ix];
match b {
b'"' | b'\\' => cow_start = ix,
b'n' => {
cow_start = ix + 1;
b'r' => {
cow_start = ix + 1;
_ => {
if (b'0'..=b'3').contains(&b) && ix + 2 < s.len() {
// octal escape
let b1 = s.as_bytes()[ix + 1];
let b2 = s.as_bytes()[ix + 2];
if (b'0'..=b'7').contains(&b1)
&& (b'0'..=b'7').contains(&b2)
let oct =
(b - b'0') * 64 + (b1 - b'0') * 8 + (b2 - b'0');
buf.push(oct as char);
ix += 2;
cow_start = ix + 1;
} else {
return Err(Error::UnknownEscape);
} else {
return Err(Error::UnknownEscape);
ix += 1;
let (c, len) = parse_escape(&s[ix..])?;
ix += len;
cow_start = ix;
_ => ix += 1,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -575,6 +547,77 @@ impl<'a> Token<'a> {

fn parse_escape(s: &str) -> Result<(char, usize), Error> {
// checked before this is called
assert!(s.starts_with('\\') && s.len() > 1);

let mut ix = 1;
let b = s.as_bytes()[ix];
match b {
b'"' | b'\\' => Ok((b as _, 2)),
b'n' => Ok(('\n', 2)),
b'r' => Ok(('\r', 2)),
b't' => Ok(('\t', 2)),
// unicode escapes
b'U' if s.len() >= 3 => {
// here we will parse up to 4 hexdigits:
ix += 1;
let (val, len) = parse_hex_digit(&s.as_bytes()[ix..])?;
ix += len;
let result = if !is_surrogate(val) || !s.as_bytes()[ix..].starts_with(b"\\U") {
// we can't cast! this is a utf-16 value, not a codepoint
} else {
ix += 2;
let (val2, len) = parse_hex_digit(&s.as_bytes()[ix..])?;
ix += len;
char::decode_utf16([val, val2]).next()
.ok_or_else(|| Error::InvalidUnicodeEscape(s[..ix].to_string()))
.map(|c| (c, ix))
b'0'..=b'3' if s.len() >= 4 => {
// octal escape
let b1 = s.as_bytes()[ix + 1];
let b2 = s.as_bytes()[ix + 2];
if (b'0'..=b'7').contains(&b1) && (b'0'..=b'7').contains(&b2) {
let oct = (b - b'0') * 64 + (b1 - b'0') * 8 + (b2 - b'0');
ix += 3;
Ok((oct as _, ix))
} else {
_ => Err(Error::UnknownEscape),

fn is_surrogate(val: u16) -> bool {
matches!(val, 0xD800..=0xDFFF)

// parse up to four hex digits as a u16
// returns an error if the first byte is not a valid ascii hex digit,
// then will read up to four bytes
fn parse_hex_digit(bytes: &[u8]) -> Result<(u16, usize), Error> {
match bytes {
&[] => Err(Error::UnknownEscape),
&[one, ..] if !one.is_ascii_hexdigit() => Err(Error::UnknownEscape),
other => Ok(other
.map_while(|b| (*b as char).to_digit(16).map(|x| x as u16))
.fold((0u16, 0usize), |(num, len), hexval| {
((num << 4) + hexval, len + 1)

impl From<String> for Plist {
fn from(x: String) -> Plist {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1077,4 +1120,50 @@ mod tests {
assert_eq!(second.get("tag").and_then(Plist::as_str), Some("slng"));
assert_eq!(second.get("num").and_then(Plist::as_f64), Some(-3.0));

fn parse_hex_digit_sanity() {
assert_eq!(parse_hex_digit(b"2019"), Ok((0x2019, 4)));
assert_eq!(parse_hex_digit(b"201"), Ok((0x201, 3)));
assert_eq!(parse_hex_digit(b"201z"), Ok((0x201, 3)));
assert_eq!(parse_hex_digit(b"fu"), Ok((0xf, 1)));
assert_eq!(parse_hex_digit(b"z"), Err(Error::UnknownEscape));

// partially borrowed from from python:
fn escape_parsing_good() {
for (input, expected, expected_len) in [
("\\n", '\n', 2), // octal escape
("\\012", '\n', 4), // octal escape
("\\U2019", '\u{2019}', 6), // unicode escape (’)
("\\UD83D\\UDCA9", '\u{1F4A9}', 12), // surrogate pair (💩)
] {
let (result, len) = parse_escape(input).unwrap();
assert_eq!((result, len), (expected, expected_len));

fn escape_parsing_bad() {

fn parsing_escape_in_string() {
for (input, expected, expected_len) in [
("\"a\\012b\"", "a\nb", 8),
("\"a\\nb\"", "a\nb", 6),
("\"a\\U000Ab\"", "a\nb", 10),
] {
let (token, len) = Token::lex(input, 0).unwrap();
assert_eq!(token, Token::String(Cow::Borrowed(expected)));
assert_eq!(len, expected_len);

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