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/ slog Public

📑 Lightweight, configurable, extensible logging library written in Go. Support multi level, multi outputs and built-in multi file logger, buffers, clean, rotate-file handling.一个易于使用的,轻量级、可配置、可扩展的日志库。支持多个级别,输出到多文件;内置文件日志处理、自动切割、清理、压缩等增强功能


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📑 Lightweight, extensible, configurable logging library written in Golang.

Output in console:



  • Simple, directly available without configuration
  • Support common log level processing.
    • eg: trace debug info notice warn error fatal panic
  • Support any extension of Handler Formatter as needed
  • Supports adding multiple Handler log processing at the same time, outputting logs to different places
  • Support to custom log message Formatter
    • Built-in json text two log record formatting Formatter
  • Support to custom build log messages Handler
    • The built-in handler.Config handler.Builder can easily and quickly build the desired log handler
  • Has built-in common log write handler program
    • console output logs to the console, supports color output
    • writer output logs to the specified io.Writer
    • file output log to the specified file, optionally enable buffer to buffer writes
    • simple output log to the specified file, write directly to the file without buffering
    • rotate_file outputs logs to the specified file, and supports splitting files by time and size, and buffer buffered writing is enabled by default
    • See ./handler folder for more built-in implementations
  • Benchmark performance test please see Benchmarks

Output logs to file

  • Support enabling buffer for log writing
  • Support splitting log files by time and size
  • Support configuration to compress log files via gzip
  • Support clean old log files by BackupNum BackupTime

rotatefile subpackage

  • The rotatefile subpackage is a stand-alone tool library with file splitting, cleaning, and compressing backups
  • rotatefile.Writer can also be directly wrapped and used in other logging libraries. For example: log, glog, zap, etc.
  • rotatefile.FilesClear is an independent file cleaning backup tool, which can be used in other places (such as other program log cleaning such as PHP)
  • For more usage, please see rotatefile

中文说明请阅读 README.zh-CN



go get

Quick Start

slog is very simple to use and can be used without any configuration

package main

import (

func main() {
	slog.Info("info log message")
	slog.Warn("warning log message")
	slog.Infof("info log %s", "message")
	slog.Debugf("debug %s", "message")


[2020/07/16 12:19:33] [application] [INFO] [main.go:7] info log message  
[2020/07/16 12:19:33] [application] [WARNING] [main.go:8] warning log message  
[2020/07/16 12:19:33] [application] [INFO] [main.go:9] info log message  
[2020/07/16 12:19:33] [application] [DEBUG] [main.go:10] debug message  

Console Color

You can enable color on output logs to console. This is default

package main

import (

func main() {
	slog.Configure(func(logger *slog.SugaredLogger) {
		f := logger.Formatter.(*slog.TextFormatter)
		f.EnableColor = true

	slog.Trace("this is a simple log message")
	slog.Debug("this is a simple log message")
	slog.Info("this is a simple log message")
	slog.Notice("this is a simple log message")
	slog.Warn("this is a simple log message")
	slog.Error("this is a simple log message")
	slog.Fatal("this is a simple log message")


Change log output style

Above is the Formatter setting that changed the default logger.

You can also create your own logger and append ConsoleHandler to support printing logs to the console:

h := handler.NewConsoleHandler(slog.AllLevels)
l := slog.NewWithHandlers(h)

l.Trace("this is a simple log message")
l.Debug("this is a simple log message")

Change the default logger log output style:



Note: slog.TextFormatter uses a template string to format the output log, so the new field output needs to adjust the template at the same time.

Use JSON Format

slog also has a built-in Formatter for JSON format. If not specified, the default is to use TextFormatter to format log records.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// use JSON formatter

	slog.Info("info log message")
	slog.Warn("warning log message")
		"key0": 134,
		"key1": "abc",
	}).Infof("info log %s", "message")

	r := slog.WithFields(slog.M{
		"category": "service",
		"IP": "",
	r.Infof("info %s", "message")
	r.Debugf("debug %s", "message")


{"channel":"application","data":{},"datetime":"2020/07/16 13:23:33","extra":{},"level":"INFO","message":"info log message"}
{"channel":"application","data":{},"datetime":"2020/07/16 13:23:33","extra":{},"level":"WARNING","message":"warning log message"}
{"channel":"application","data":{"key0":134,"key1":"abc"},"datetime":"2020/07/16 13:23:33","extra":{},"level":"INFO","message":"info log message"}
{"IP":"","category":"service","channel":"application","datetime":"2020/07/16 13:23:33","extra":{},"level":"INFO","message":"info message"}
{"IP":"","category":"service","channel":"application","datetime":"2020/07/16 13:23:33","extra":{},"level":"DEBUG","message":"debug message"}


  • Logger - log dispatcher. One logger can register multiple Handler, Processor
  • Record - log records, each log is a Record instance.
  • Processor - enables extended processing of log records. It is called before the log Record is processed by the Handler.
    • You can use it to perform additional operations on Record, such as: adding fields, adding extended information, etc.
  • Handler - log handler, each log will be processed by Handler.Handle().
    • Here you can send logs to console, file, remote server, etc.
  • Formatter - logging data formatting process.
    • Usually set in Handler, it can be used to format log records, convert records into text, JSON, etc., Handler then writes the formatted data to the specified place.
    • Formatter is not required. You can do without it and handle logging directly in Handler.Handle().

Simple structure of log scheduler

Logger --{
          Handlers --|- Handler0 With Formatter0
                     |- Handler1 With Formatter1
                     |- Handler2 (can also without Formatter)
                     |- ... more

Note: Be sure to remember to add Handler, Processor to the logger instance and log records will be processed by Handler.


Processor interface:

// Processor interface definition
type Processor interface {
	// Process record
	Process(record *Record)

// ProcessorFunc definition
type ProcessorFunc func(record *Record)

// Process record
func (fn ProcessorFunc) Process(record *Record) {

You can use it to perform additional operations on the Record before the log Record reaches the Handler for processing, such as: adding fields, adding extended information, etc.

Add processor to logger:


// or
l := slog.New()

The built-in processor slog.AddHostname is used here as an example, which can add a new field hostname on each log record.


Output, including new fields "hostname":"InhereMac"

{"channel":"application","level":"INFO","datetime":"2020/07/17 12:01:35","hostname":"InhereMac","data":{},"extra":{},"message":"message"}


Handler interface:

You can customize any Handler you want, just implement the slog.Handler interface.

// Handler interface definition
type Handler interface {
	Flush() error
	// IsHandling Checks whether the given record will be handled by this handler.
	IsHandling(level Level) bool
	// Handle a log record.
	// all records may be passed to this method, and the handler should discard
	// those that it does not want to handle.
	Handle(*Record) error


Formatter interface:

// Formatter interface
type Formatter interface {
	Format(record *Record) ([]byte, error)

Function wrapper type:

// FormatterFunc wrapper definition
type FormatterFunc func(r *Record) ([]byte, error)

// Format a log record
func (fn FormatterFunc) Format(r *Record) ([]byte, error) {
	return fn(r)

JSON formatter

type JSONFormatter struct {
	// Fields exported log fields.
	Fields []string
	// Aliases for output fields. you can change export field name.
	// item: `"field" : "output name"`
	// eg: {"message": "msg"} export field will display "msg"
	Aliases StringMap
	// PrettyPrint will indent all json logs
	PrettyPrint bool
	// TimeFormat the time format layout. default is time.RFC3339
	TimeFormat string

Text formatter

Default templates:

const DefaultTemplate = "[{{datetime}}] [{{channel}}] [{{level}}] [{{caller}}] {{message}} {{data}} {{extra}}\n"
const NamedTemplate = "{{datetime}} channel={{channel}} level={{level}} [file={{caller}}] message={{message}} data={{data}}\n"

Change template:

myTemplate := "[{{datetime}}] [{{level}}] {{message}}"

f := slog.NewTextFormatter()

Custom logger

Custom Processor and Formatter are relatively simple, just implement a corresponding method.

Create new logger

slog.Info, slog.Warn and other methods use the default logger and output logs to the console by default.

You can create a brand-new instance of slog.Logger:

Method 1

l := slog.New()
// add handlers ...
h1 := handler.NewConsoleHandler(slog.AllLevels)

Method 2

l := slog.NewWithName("myLogger")
// add handlers ...
h1 := handler.NewConsoleHandler(slog.AllLevels)

Method 3

package main

import (

func main() {
	l := slog.NewWithHandlers(handler.NewConsoleHandler(slog.AllLevels))

Create custom Handler

You only need to implement the slog.Handler interface to create a custom Handler.

You can quickly assemble your own Handler through the built-in handler.LevelsWithFormatter handler.LevelWithFormatter and other fragments of slog.


Use handler.LevelsWithFormatter, only need to implement Close, Flush, Handle methods

type MyHandler struct {
    Output io.Writer

func (h *MyHandler) Handle(r *slog.Record) error {
	// you can write log message to file or send to remote.

func (h *MyHandler) Flush() error {}
func (h *MyHandler) Close() error {}

Add Handler to the logger to use:

// add to default logger

// or, add to custom logger:
l := slog.New()

Use the built-in handlers

./handler package has built-in common log handlers, which can basically meet most scenarios.

// Output logs to console, allow render color.
func NewConsoleHandler(levels []slog.Level) *ConsoleHandler
// Send logs to email
func NewEmailHandler(from EmailOption, toAddresses []string) *EmailHandler
// Send logs to syslog
func NewSysLogHandler(priority syslog.Priority, tag string) (*SysLogHandler, error)
// A simple handler implementation that outputs logs to a given io.Writer
func NewSimpleHandler(out io.Writer, level slog.Level) *SimpleHandler

Output log to file:

// Output log to the specified file, without buffering by default
func NewFileHandler(logfile string, fns ...ConfigFn) (h *SyncCloseHandler, err error)
// Output logs to the specified file in JSON format, without buffering by default
func JSONFileHandler(logfile string, fns ...ConfigFn) (*SyncCloseHandler, error)
// Buffered output log to specified file
func NewBuffFileHandler(logfile string, buffSize int, fns ...ConfigFn) (*SyncCloseHandler, error)

TIP: NewFileHandler JSONFileHandler can also enable write buffering by passing in fns handler.WithBuffSize(buffSize)

Output log to file and rotate automatically:

// Automatic rotating according to file size
func NewSizeRotateFile(logfile string, maxSize int, fns ...ConfigFn) (*SyncCloseHandler, error)
// Automatic rotating according to time
func NewTimeRotateFile(logfile string, rt rotatefile.RotateTime, fns ...ConfigFn) (*SyncCloseHandler, error)
// It supports configuration to rotate according to size and time. 
// The default setting file size is 20M, and the default automatic splitting time is 1 hour (EveryHour).
func NewRotateFileHandler(logfile string, rt rotatefile.RotateTime, fns ...ConfigFn) (*SyncCloseHandler, error)

TIP: By passing in fns ...ConfigFn, more options can be set, such as log file retention time, log write buffer size, etc. For detailed settings, see the handler.Config structure

Logs to file

Output log to the specified file, buffer buffered writing is not enabled by default. Buffering can also be enabled by passing in a parameter.

package mypkg

import (

func main() {
	defer slog.MustClose()

	// DangerLevels contains: slog.PanicLevel, slog.ErrorLevel, slog.WarnLevel
	h1 := handler.MustFileHandler("/tmp/error.log", handler.WithLogLevels(slog.DangerLevels))
	// custom log format
	// f := h1.Formatter().(*slog.TextFormatter)
	f := slog.AsTextFormatter(h1.Formatter())
	f.SetTemplate("your template format\n")

	// NormalLevels contains: slog.InfoLevel, slog.NoticeLevel, slog.DebugLevel, slog.TraceLevel
	h2 := handler.MustFileHandler("/tmp/info.log", handler.WithLogLevels(slog.NormalLevels))

	// register handlers

	// add logs
	slog.Info("info message text")
	slog.Error("error message text")

Note: If write buffering buffer is enabled, be sure to call logger.Close() at the end of the program to flush the contents of the buffer to the file.

Log to file with automatic rotating

slog/handler also has a built-in output log to a specified file, and supports splitting files by time and size at the same time. By default, buffer buffered writing is enabled

func Example_rotateFileHandler() {
	h1 := handler.MustRotateFile("/tmp/error.log", handler.EveryHour, handler.WithLogLevels(slog.DangerLevels))
	h2 := handler.MustRotateFile("/tmp/info.log", handler.EveryHour, handler.WithLogLevels(slog.NormalLevels))


	// add logs
	slog.Info("info message")
	slog.Error("error message")

Example of file name sliced by time:


Example of a filename cut by size, in the format filename.log.HIS_000N. For example:


Use rotatefile on another logger

rotatefile.Writer can also be used with other logging packages, such as: log, glog, etc.

For example, using rotatefile on golang log:

package main

import (


func main() {
	logFile := "testdata/go_logger.log"
	writer, err := rotatefile.NewConfig(logFile).Create()
	if err != nil {

	log.Println("log message")

Quickly create a Handler based on config

This is config struct for create a Handler:

// Config struct
type Config struct {
	// Logfile for write logs
	Logfile string `json:"logfile" yaml:"logfile"`
	// LevelMode for filter log record. default LevelModeList
	LevelMode uint8 `json:"level_mode" yaml:"level_mode"`
	// Level value. use on LevelMode = LevelModeValue
	Level slog.Level `json:"level" yaml:"level"`
	// Levels for log record
	Levels []slog.Level `json:"levels" yaml:"levels"`
	// UseJSON for format logs
	UseJSON bool `json:"use_json" yaml:"use_json"`
	// BuffMode type name. allow: line, bite
	BuffMode string `json:"buff_mode" yaml:"buff_mode"`
	// BuffSize for enable buffer, unit is bytes. set 0 to disable buffer
	BuffSize int `json:"buff_size" yaml:"buff_size"`
	// RotateTime for rotate file, unit is seconds.
	RotateTime rotatefile.RotateTime `json:"rotate_time" yaml:"rotate_time"`
	// MaxSize on rotate file by size, unit is bytes.
	MaxSize uint64 `json:"max_size" yaml:"max_size"`
	// Compress determines if the rotated log files should be compressed using gzip.
	// The default is not to perform compression.
	Compress bool `json:"compress" yaml:"compress"`
	// BackupNum max number for keep old files.
	// 0 is not limit, default is 20.
	BackupNum uint `json:"backup_num" yaml:"backup_num"`
	// BackupTime max time for keep old files. unit is hours
	// 0 is not limit, default is a week.
	BackupTime uint `json:"backup_time" yaml:"backup_time"`
	// RenameFunc build filename for rotate file
	RenameFunc func(filepath string, rotateNum uint) string


	testFile := "testdata/error.log"

	h := handler.NewEmptyConfig(

	l := slog.NewWithHandlers(h)

About BuffMode

Config.BuffMode The name of the BuffMode type to use. Allow: line, bite

  • BuffModeBite: Buffer by bytes, when the number of bytes in the buffer reaches the specified size, write the contents of the buffer to the file
  • BuffModeLine: Buffer by line, when the buffer size is reached, always ensure that a complete line of log content is written to the file (to avoid log content being truncated)

Use Builder to quickly create Handler

Use handler.Builder to easily and quickly create Handler instances.

	testFile := "testdata/info.log"

	h := handler.NewBuilder().

	l := slog.NewWithHandlers(h)

Extension packages

Package bufwrite:

  • bufwrite.BufIOWriter additionally implements Sync(), Close() methods by wrapping go's bufio.Writer, which is convenient to use
  • bufwrite.LineWriter refer to the implementation of bufio.Writer in go, which can support flushing the buffer by line, which is more useful for writing log files

Package rotatefile:

  • rotatefile.Writer implements automatic cutting of log files according to size and specified time, and also supports automatic cleaning of log files
    • handler/rotate_file is to use it to cut the log file

Use rotatefile on other log package

Of course, the rotatefile.Writer can be use on other log package, such as: log, glog and more.

Examples, use rotatefile on golang log:

package main

import (


func main() {
	logFile := "testdata/another_logger.log"
	writer, err := rotatefile.NewConfig(logFile).Create()
	if err != nil {

	log.Println("log message")

Testing and benchmark

Unit tests

run unit tests:

go test ./...


Benchmark code at _example/bench_loglibs_test.go

make test-bench

Benchmarks for slog and other log packages:

Note: test and record ad 2023.04.13

goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3740QM CPU @ 2.70GHz
BenchmarkZapNegative-4                   8381674              1429 ns/op             216 B/op          3 allocs/op
BenchmarkZapSugarNegative-4              8655980              1383 ns/op             104 B/op          4 allocs/op
BenchmarkZeroLogNegative-4              14173719               849.8 ns/op             0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkPhusLogNegative-4              27456256               451.2 ns/op             0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLogrusNegative-4                2550771              4784 ns/op             608 B/op         17 allocs/op
>>>> BenchmarkGookitSlogNegative-4       8798220              1375 ns/op             120 B/op          3 allocs/op
BenchmarkZapPositive-4                  10302483              1167 ns/op             192 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkZapSugarPositive-4              3833311              3154 ns/op             344 B/op          7 allocs/op
BenchmarkZeroLogPositive-4              14120524               846.7 ns/op             0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkPhusLogPositive-4              27152686               434.9 ns/op             0 B/op          0 allocs/op
BenchmarkLogrusPositive-4                2601892              4691 ns/op             608 B/op         17 allocs/op
>>>> BenchmarkGookitSlogPositive-4            8997104              1340 ns/op             120 B/op          3 allocs/op
ok      command-line-arguments  167.095s

Gookit packages

  • gookit/ini Go config management, use INI files
  • gookit/rux Simple and fast request router for golang HTTP
  • gookit/gcli Build CLI application, tool library, running CLI commands
  • gookit/slog Lightweight, extensible, configurable logging library written in Go
  • gookit/color A command-line color library with true color support, universal API methods and Windows support
  • gookit/event Lightweight event manager and dispatcher implements by Go
  • gookit/cache Generic cache use and cache manager for golang. support File, Memory, Redis, Memcached.
  • gookit/config Go config management. support JSON, YAML, TOML, INI, HCL, ENV and Flags
  • gookit/filter Provide filtering, sanitizing, and conversion of golang data
  • gookit/validate Use for data validation and filtering. support Map, Struct, Form data
  • gookit/goutil Some utils for the Go: string, array/slice, map, format, cli, env, filesystem, test and more
  • More, please see


The projects is heavily inspired by follow packages:




📑 Lightweight, configurable, extensible logging library written in Go. Support multi level, multi outputs and built-in multi file logger, buffers, clean, rotate-file handling.一个易于使用的,轻量级、可配置、可扩展的日志库。支持多个级别,输出到多文件;内置文件日志处理、自动切割、清理、压缩等增强功能





