Universal configuration library by tags
- hocon values
- default values
- environment variables
- int, int8, int16, int32, int64
- float32, float64
- string
- bool
- map[string\int]string\int\float32\float64
- slices of any types from (int32, int64, int, string, bool, float32, float64)
- cf_hocon - setup value for this field from hocon
- cf_default - setup default value for this field
- cf_env - setup value from env variable by name in this tag
- cf_yaml - setup value for this field from yaml (version > 0.6)
- cf_json - setup value for this field from json (version > 0.5)
- cf_server - setup value from configuration server like spring cloud config server or others (version>0.7)
- cf_vault - setup secret for this field from hashi corp vault (version>0.8)
For Run configuration by smart variant autostart analysing of using tags. library will start configuring your structure by pipeline with all founded tags.
type Test struct {
MyValue1 string `cf_default:"turur" cf_hocon:"mySourceValue1"`
MySlice1 []bool `cf_default:"true,false,false,true" cf_env:"MY_SIGNALS"`
// in this example do use 3 tags: cf_default (using default values which setup inline tag)
// cf_env - using environment variable
// cf_hocon - using hocon source file
func myConfigurator() {
myStruct, errConfiguring := gostructir.ConfigureSmart(&Test{}, "testhocon.hocon")
// check errConfiguring for any errors
if errConfiguring != nil {
/// action for error
// cast interface{} into Test structure
myValues := myStruct.(*Test)
// now, u structure already filled
You can also setting configuring pipeline like this:
type Test struct {
MyValue1 string `cf_default:"turur" cf_hocon:"mySourceValue1"`
MySlice1 []bool `cf_default:"true,false,false,true" cf_env:"MY_SIGNALS"`
func myConfigurator() {
myStruct, errConfiguring := gostructir.ConfigureSetup(&Test{}, "testhocon.hocon", []infra.FuncType{
})// you should setup only by order configure
// check errConfiguring for any errors
if errConfiguring != nil {
/// action for error
// cast interface{} into Test structure
myValues := myStruct.(*Test)
// now, u structure already filled