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Package money implements immutable monetary amounts and exchange rates for Go.

Key Features

  • Immutability - Once set, an amount or exchange rate remains constant, ensuring safe concurrent access across goroutines.
  • Banker's Rounding - Uses half-to-even rounding, also known as "banker's rounding", to minimize cumulative rounding errors commonly seen in financial calculations.
  • No Panics - All methods are panic-free, returning errors instead of crashing your application in cases such as overflow, division by zero, or currency mismatch.
  • Zero Heap Allocation - Optimized to avoid heap allocations, reducing garbage collector impact during arithmetic operations.
  • High Precision - Supports up to 19 digits of precision, representing amounts from -99,999,999,999,999,999.99 to 99,999,999,999,999,999.99 inclusive.
  • Correctness - Arithmetic operations are cross-validated against the cockroachdb/apd and shopspring/decimal packages through extensive fuzz testing.

Getting Started


To add the money package to your Go workspace:

go get

Basic Usage

Create an amount using one of the constructors. After creating an amount, you can perform various operations as shown below:

package main

import (

func main() {
    // Constructors
    a, _ := money.NewAmount("USD", 8, 0)               // a = $8.00
    b, _ := money.ParseAmount("USD", "12.5")           // b = $12.50
    c, _ := money.NewAmountFromFloat64("USD", 2.567)   // c = $2.567
    d, _ := money.NewAmountFromInt64("USD", 7, 896, 3) // d = $7.896
    r, _ := money.NewExchRate("USD", "EUR", 9, 1)      // r = $/€ 0.9
    x, _ := decimal.New(2, 0)                          // x = 2

    // Operations
    fmt.Println(a.Add(b))          // $8.00 + $12.50
    fmt.Println(a.Sub(b))          // $8.00 - $12.50
    fmt.Println(a.SubAbs(b))       // abs($8.00 - $12.50)

    fmt.Println(a.Mul(x))          // $8.00 * 2
    fmt.Println(a.AddMul(b, x))    // $8.00 + $12.50 * 2
    fmt.Println(a.SubMul(b, x))    // $8.00 - $12.50 * 2
    fmt.Println(r.Conv(a))         // $8.00 * $/€ 0.9

    fmt.Println(a.Quo(x))          // $8.00 / 2
    fmt.Println(a.AddQuo(b, x))    // $8.00 + $12.50 / 2
    fmt.Println(a.SubQuo(b, x))    // $8.00 - $12.50 / 2
    fmt.Println(a.QuoRem(x))       // $8.00 div 2, $8.00 mod 2
    fmt.Println(a.Rat(b))          // $8.00 / $12.50
    fmt.Println(a.Split(3))        // $8.00 into 3 parts

    // Rounding to 2 decimal places
    fmt.Println(c.RoundToCurr())   // 2.57
    fmt.Println(c.CeilToCurr())    // 2.57
    fmt.Println(c.FloorToCurr())   // 2.56
    fmt.Println(c.TruncToCurr())   // 2.56

    // Conversions
    fmt.Println(d.Int64(9))        // 7 896000000
    fmt.Println(d.Float64())       // 7.896
    fmt.Println(d.String())        // USD 7.896

    // Formatting
    fmt.Printf("%v", d)            // USD 7.896
    fmt.Printf("%[1]f %[1]c", d)   // 7.896 USD
    fmt.Printf("%f", d)            // 7.896
    fmt.Printf("%c", d)            // USD
    fmt.Printf("%d", d)            // 790


For detailed documentation and additional examples, visit the package documentation.


Comparison with other popular packages:

Feature govalues rhymond v1.0.10 bojanz v1.2.1
Speed High Medium Medium
Numeric Representation Floating Point Fixed Point Floating Point
Precision 19 digits 18 digits 39 digits
Default Rounding Half to even Not supported Half up
Overflow Control Yes No1 Yes
Support for Division Yes No Yes
Support for Currency Conversion Yes No Yes


goos: linux
goarch: amd64
cpu: AMD Ryzen 7 3700C  with Radeon Vega Mobile Gfx 
Test Case Expression govalues rhymond v1.0.10 bojanz v1.2.1 govalues vs rhymond govalues vs bojanz
Add $2.00 + $3.00 22.95n 218.30n 144.10n +851.41% +528.02%
Mul $2.00 * 3 21.80n 133.40n 239.60n +511.79% +998.83%
Quo (exact) $2.00 / 4 80.12n n/a 468.05n n/a +484.19%
Quo (inexact) $2.00 / 3 602.1n n/a 512.4n n/a -14.91%
Split $2.00 into 10 parts 374.9n 897.0n n/a +139.28% n/a
Conv $2.00 to € 30.88n n/a 348.50n n/a +1028.38%
Parse $1 44.99n 139.50n 99.09n +210.07% +120.26%
Parse $123.456 61.45n 148.60n 240.90n +141.82% +292.03%
Parse $123456789.1234567890 131.2n 204.4n 253.0n +55.85% +92.87%
String $1 38.48n 200.70n 89.92n +421.50% +133.65%
String $123.456 56.34n 229.90n 127.05n +308.02% +125.49%
String $123456789.1234567890 84.73n 383.30n 277.55n +352.38% +227.57%
Telco see specification 224.2n n/a 1944.0n n/a +766.89%

The benchmark results shown in the table are provided for informational purposes only and may vary depending on your specific use case.


  1. rhymond does not detect overflow and returns an invalid result. For example, 92,233,720,368,547,758.07 + 0.01 results in -92,233,720,368,547,758.08.