CRUD Application - Angular 2 Typescript
Open a command prompt
npm install
This installs the node-module and typings dependencies -
npm start
This launches the TypeScript compiler (tsc) to compile the application and watches for changes. It also starts the lite-server and launches in the browser to run the application on port 3000.
This is the simple app to kickstart with Angular 2 (Typescript)
Features used in APP
- Module
- Component
- Service (HTTP Module with Observables)
- Modal (@ng-bootstrap) with Boostrap 4
Angular 2 Features used in APP
- [(ngModel)] - Two Way Binding
- *ngFor - Directive for Iteratation
- *ngIf - Directive for Evaluation (Show or Hide)
- Inferface (for Custom Type)
- (click) - Click Event
- subscribe - For HTTP Module(Observables)