Stack Based Calculator for Software Engineering Project - Team 13
The Product Backlog is available here
The Trello Board is available here
You can find our Pre-Game presentation here
In this first Sprint, our goal is to obtain a calculator that supports the basic math operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square root and inverse sign. In addition we want to have commands to manipulate the stack, in particular: Clear, Drop, Dup, Swap and Over operations. In this phase is also included the design of a graphic user interface.
The first sprint backlog is available here
The Sprint Review is available here
The Sprint Retrospective is available here
Fist Sprint presentation is available here
In this second Sprint, our goal is to increase the functionality of the calculator developed in the previous Sprint, allowing the user to perform calculations using 26 types of variables. In particular, at the end of this Sprint, the calculator should allow to save the last value of the stack in a variable (operation >x), load a value associated with a variable in the stack (operation <x), increase the last value in the stack and add it to the value of a variable (operation +x) and decrease the value of a variable of the quantity present in the top of the stack (operation -x). Finally, the calculator should allow the user to define custom operations.
The second sprint backlog is available here
The Sprint Review is available here
The Sprint Retrospective is available here
Second Sprint presentation is available here
In this third Sprint, our goal is to increase the functionality of the calculator developed in the previous Sprint, allowing the user to execute the custom operations already defined, store the state of variables and restore it. In particular, at the end of this Sprint, the calculator should allow to invoke a user defined operation and to execute all the operations in order, in addiction the calculator should allow to save a copy of all the 26 variables on a "variable stack" and restore for all variables the last values that were saved on the "variable stack" (removing them from that stack). Finally, the "save" operation can be performed several times, preserving several sets of variable values.
The Third Sprint backlog is available here
The Sprint Review is available here
The Sprint Retrospective is available here
Final Presentation is available here
Speranza Ranieri: @httpsperanza
Ernesto Mancusi: @ermancusi
Giuseppe Parrella: @gparrella12
Francesco Sonnessa: @s0nFra
It's necessary to clone the repository in your favourite IDE and run the file in UserInterface folder.
Preliminar Phase on Netbeans to be performed immediately after cloning the repository
In order to run the calculator:
-Right Click on the project and select "Properties";
-Select "Packaging" that is child of "Build";
-Here deselect "Build Jar after Compiling".
In order to run the test:
-Right Click on the project and select "Properties"; ;
-Select "Libraries";
-Here press on "+" key, situated on the same row of "Classpath";
-Press "Add Library..." and, from the folder "Global Libries", add "JUnit 4.13.2" e "Hamcrest 1.3".
Since this is an assignment project, only the authors can contribute to this project. Despite this, you are still free to use and distribute the code contained in this repository for your own projects according to GNU GPL v3.