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Teleport documentation website using Docusaurus

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goteleportcomdocs hosted by AWS Amplify

This a port of the Teleport docs from the original custom engine to Docusaurus.


$ yarn

Create .env file with variables: SANITY_PROJECT_ID and SANITY_DATASET tom make menu and events work.

Local Development

$ yarn start

This command starts a local development server and opens up a browser window. Most changes are reflected live without having to restart the server.


$ yarn build

This command generates static content into the build directory and can be served using any static contents hosting service.


Deployment happens automatically to commits to the main branch. Deploy is woriking thought AWS Amplify.

Settings for AWS Amplify are following:

  1. nodejs 20 and yarn v1.22.22.
  2. Build command yarn build
  3. Build results folder build
  5. This variable should be set increase nodejs memory NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=8192
  6. Add the following redirect to make 404 work:
    • Source address: /<*>
    • Target address: /404.html
    • Type 404 (Rewrite)

Architecture overview

Current setup is made with the goal to make this project backward compatible with the original docs engine so they can run in parallel until transition period is not over.

To make it possible, we convert content from the orginal format to the Docusaurus format at the build time and also use some of the orignal plugins.

How it works under the hood:

  1. We store docs in the git submodules of the main teleport repo as in the original setup. Submodules are fetched inside content folder to the subfolders named after the teleport versions 15.x, 16.x, etc. Then we build the docs we update submodules to the latest version.
  2. Info about versions, their status and original branches are manually added to the config.json file. See version config description below.
  3. To make old docs work with Ducsaurus we need to move files to correct location and also generate a bunch of config files. To do it we use scripts/prepare-files.mts file. It does the following based on config.json content:
    1. Move mdx files, except includes to the versioned_docs/version-{name} folder for the non-current versions.
    2. Move mdx files, except includes to the docs folder for the current version.
    3. Create versioned_sidebars/version-{name}-sidebars.json configs for sidebars of the non-current versions.
    4. Create sidebars.json config for sidebar of the current version.
    5. Create versions.json file with the list of non-current versions.
  4. To make old docs work with Docusaurus we also need to run them through a bunch of custom plugins:
    1. remark-includes - plugin from the old docs to work with the (!filepath!) syntax.
    2. remark-variables - plugin from the old docs to work with the (=variable=) syntax.
    3. remark-update-asset-paths - this plugn updates paths to the assets from new folders to the content/{version} folders.
    4. remark-update-tags - this plugin replaces custom components used in the old docs to their Docuaaurus alternatives or removes them completely.

Everything else is more or less straightforward Docusaurus code.

Folder structure

  • content – pre-migration docs content.
  • scripts – helper CLI scripts.
  • server – code for plugins and config parsing.
  • src - frontend-related files.
  • src/component – components ported from the old site, mostly header-related.
  • src/styles – CSS used in the site header.
  • src/theme – overrides for the default theme files of Docusaurus.
  • src/utils – client-side utils.
  • static - static files for the site: manifests, favicons, etc.
  • docs, versioned_docs and versioned_sidebars – folders for Docusaurus site content that will be automatically populated by a script (yarn prepare-files).
  • data is a folder for content pulled from Sanity CMS.

config.json format

type Version = {
    name: string; // should be the same as the folder in `content`
    branch: string; // name of the original git branch
    deprecated: boolean; // Unsupported versions
    latest: boolean; // Last officially released version
    current: boolean; // Next version currently in development

type Config = {
    versions: Version[]

Only non-deprecated versions are built in the docs.

If no versions are marked as current/latest, last version in alphabetical order is marked as it.

CLI commands

  • yarn git-update – update git submodules.
  • yarn prepare-files – copy files from content to folders used by Docusaurus.
  • yarn prepare-sanity-data - fetching and saving data from Sanity CMS.
  • yarn start – start server in dev mode.
  • yarn build - buld static site.
  • yarn swizzle - used to eject files from the default Docusaurus theme to the src/theme folder. See swizzling.
  • yarn serve – server static files.
  • yarn typecheck - check types.

For other commands see Docusaurus docs.


Teleport documentation website using Docusaurus


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