Chirper is a Journal Entry web app that allows people intrested in discussing about sustainability of the planet. Users can submit Journal Entries with either text or a GIF from Giphy, react to other posts or leave comments on other entries.
- Clone or fork this repository
- Navigate to the root directory
- Navigate to the client folder
- Before running for a first time do
npm install
- To run the clientside use:
npm run dev
- To run tests use:
npm test
- Navigate to the server folder
- Before running for a first time do
npm install
- To run the serverside locally, use:
npm run dev
- To run tests use:
npm test
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap v5
- Netlify for clientside deployment
- watchify v4.0.0
- concurrently v6.0.0
- Jest
- Node.js
- Express.js
- cors
- Heroku - Hosting the API
- Jest
- Nodemon
- Supertest
- Brokedown key stakeholders requirements into individual tasks
- Brokedown these tasks into subtasks and created them on GitHub Projects Board
- Created a wireframe sketch-up on Photoshop: Here
- Created a more detailed design on Figma: Here
- Initial creation of repository
- Tasks assigned per day and completed following Git Flow
- Standup / end of day meeting to peer review
You can view our commit history of our main repo: Here
- Filter by trending posts (most liked, most disliked, most tree reactions, most commented)
- Sort journal entrties by date
- Named journal entries
- Filter according to user who created entry
- Able to implement all core features
- Styling, layout and visuals are all consistent and clean
- Users are able to submit journal entries or GIFs
- Users can comment on invididual entries
- Reactions and comments are dynamically updated
- Integration of Giphy API
- Using a JSON file as the database
- Making reactions dynamic and updating the count when someone reacts
- Commenting feature
- Testing with Jest Mock