Estimating fMRI Timescale Maps
Project Organization
├── fmri_timescales/
├── <- autocorrelation estimators
├── <- plotting functions
├── <- simulation functions
└── <- timescale estimators
├── tests/
└── ... <- unit tests for fmri_timescales/
├── notebooks
├── data/ <- N=180 timescale (+ std error) maps from the HCP
├── fig01to03.ipynb <- simulation results
├── <- supporting functions
├── fig04to05.ipynb <- timescale map results
├── <- supporting function
└── ... <- supplementary notebooks (not in manuscript)
├── figures/ <- figures derived from notebooks/
├── latex/
├── ... <- latex files
├── main.pdf <- manuscript
├── slides.pdf <- presentation slides
└── zotero.bib <- references
├── LICENSE <- MIT license
├── <- this README file
└── pyproject.toml <- python configuration and dependencies
Data Availability
The notebooks/data/*{tau,se}.npy
files contain the LLS and NLS timescale estimates at each grayordinate (180 subjects, 91282 regions), from which the figures/
can be reproduced. Access to the ~380GB of resting fMRI data from the Human Connectome Project 2018 release can by downloaded at ConnetomeDB:
Code Installation
Clone this repository:
git clone
cd fmri-timescales
Create virtual environment using pip
or conda
# pip
python3 -m venv .fmri-timescales
source .fmri-timescales/bin/activate
# conda
conda create --name fmri-timescales python
conda activate fmri-timescales
Install fmri_timescales
and dependencies:
pip install --editable ".[notebooks]"
Usage Examples
Time Domain Linear Model, Fit by Linear Least Squares (LLS):
>>> from fmri_timescales import sim, timescale_utils
>>> X = sim.sim_ar(ar_coeffs=[0.8], n_timepoints=1000) # x_t = 0.8 x_{t-1} + e_t
>>> lls = timescale_utils.LLS(var_estimator="newey-west")
>>>, n_timepoints=1000)
'phi': array([0.79789847]),
'se(phi)': array([0.02028763]),
'tau': array([4.42920958]),
'se(tau)': array([0.49881125])
Autocorrelation Domain Nonlinear Model, Fit by Nonlinear Least Squares (NLS):
>>> from fmri_timescales import sim, timescale_utils
>>> X = sim.sim_ar(ar_coeffs=[0.8], n_timepoints=1000) # x_t = 0.8 x_{t-1} + e_t
>>> nls = timescale_utils.NLS(var_estimator="newey-west")
>>>, n_timepoints=1000)
'phi': array([0.78021159]),
'se(phi)': array([0.01071285]),
'tau': array([4.02916908]),
'se(tau)': array([0.22290691])