- added way to start session daemon in background for Linux (-s option) which keeps credential up-to-date
- 'exit' alias for 'quit' -- both commands can be used to logout now
- improved checks of job properties against valid values -- if a queue is set that doesn't support currently setup job a detailed error message is displayed
- improved information for queues when issuing 'print queue xxxx' command
- 'print queues' now displays queues sorted by whether a queue supports the currently setup job or not
- improved ls command to list jobs easier. format: ls <filename_in_jobdirectory>
- changes in speed and stability because of update of underlying Grisu client library
- All gricli properties are now exported as job environment variables, like walltime -> GRISU_WALLTIME
- "kill/clean jobs" commands now deprecated. "kill/clean job [list of jobnames/globs]" is used insted. Supports globs completion.
- "download" and "downloadclean" commands now support optional target directory.
- "view" command can now list jobdirectories directly ("view job <file_relative_to_jobdir>").
- Changes to login-component, makes renewal of proxy within gricli possible via 'renew session'.
- Destroy proxy renamed to 'close session'.
- Notification when user proxy reaches configured minimum
- man & markdown USAGE.md pages are created automatically via maven
- Debian and RedHat packages
- "kill/clean", "archive" and "submit" commands can now be executed in background using "&" operator
- Custom job type removed from docs and replaced by single
- hostCount renamed to hostcount
- host is no longer a global
- print queue [propeties] doesn't list memory properties
- added commands to monitor asynchronous tasks
- renamed global "application" to "package"
- fixed job download where directories within job directories weren't downloaded
- updated Grisu dependency which brings lots of improvements to scalability and stability
- "archive job" blocks now until archiving is finished
- progress bar for killing of multiple jobs
- basic "view" command to pre-view files. mostly useful for viewing stdout/stderr while job is running
- updated Grisu dependency with shib login fix
- updated Grisu dependency with more logging statements
- walltime global display has changed to human readable format
- clear files has been replaced by unset files, unset is a new command
- new command: unset - can be used to set optional globals to their null values. unset on required globals will throw error
- script comments #
- glob support for print package
- new commands clean/kill jobs
- persistent user session; globals except attached files and env vars saved
- last used group remembered
- tab-completion for remote file systems
- tab-completion now also works on "submit" command for executables and input files
- submit command no longer needs quotes
- BeSTGRID-DEV renamed to dev case insensitive
- "print queues" now displays only queues that are available for the currently setup environment
- "print queues" can now display more information about queues, like free job slots, total running jobs
- new command: "print queue [queue]" -- displays all information that is known for a queue (which needs to be available for the current environment).
- new command: "status" -- prints out a summary of how many jobs are active/finished/failed
- fixed job status problem where they are incorrectly marked Done.
- renamed application to package
- pwd and exec pwd are the same now
- gls command replaced by ls
- improved internal help system
- Added commands descriptions and usage examples
- help can now be requested for the use of a particular command (e.g. help cd)
- overall improvement of ease of use
- added print groups command
- added block size support for memory value set (e.g. set memory 3g)
- added walltime set through formatted time value (e.g. set walltime 1h20m)
- New job type smp added to improve scheduling performance
- Added support for staging in data from remote gridftp servers
- data can be staged in directly from remote gridftp servers (e.g. to stage in a file from the home directory on data fabric, use command attach grid://Groups/nz/nesi/my_file_here.dat
- jobs can have description property now
- added wait job command to pause gricli and wait until the specified job terminates
- added commands: about, cd, exec, ls, pwd
- improved auto-completion
- patches that fix bugs on Windows
Full details of all issues resolved in this release are available here:
July 2011 Milestone: https://github.com/grisu/gricli/issues?state=closed&milestone=1
June 2011 Milestone: https://github.com/grisu/gricli/issues?state=closed&milestone=5