Gricli shell allows commandline interaction with the grid.
- as part of the "NeSI Tools" package (recommended)
- Windows: nesi-tools.msi
- Mac OS X: nesi-tools.pkg
- or, cross-OS package (requires Java): nesi-tools.jar
- 'gricli' executable Java binary: gricli-binary.jar
- 'gricli' Linux packages:
- Debian-based: gricli.deb
- RedHat-based: gricli.rpm
Detailed information about the usage of gricli can be found here: Usage
Let's get going. Start gricli:
If using the NeSI-Tools package or one of the Linux packages:
Or, if using the executable binary:
java -jar gricli-binary.jar
If you are not logged in, select institutions login and use your institutions credentials:
Please select your preferred login method:
[1] Institutions login
[2] MyProxy login
[3] Certificate login
[0] Exit
Login method: 1
On successful login, gricli will create a proxy certificate valid for 10 days. For that period, gricli startup will not require user interaction.
This gives you a list of all the queues available in a particular group:
gricli> print queues /nz/nesi
If you don't care which queue to submit to, but want to run specific application, queue needs to be set to auto:
gricli> set application R gricli> set version 2.10 gricli> set queue auto
The 'print application' command can be used to discover available applications and versions:
gricli> print application R
gricli> set group /ARCS/BeSTGRID
gricli> set queue
This queue name is from earlier when we listed the available queues. It's a local queue, so we're going to use it to submit the following job.
gricli> submit "echo hello world"
job name is gricli
gricli> print jobs
gricli : Done
This command takes a while, but when it returns, it will give you an auto-generated job name. This job name can be used for further commands (and supports globbing):
gricli> print job gricli*
gricli> kill job gricli*
gricli> download job gricli*
gricli> attach something.txt
This will attach a file to every job submitted from now on. 'clear' command can be used to reset the file list:
gricli> clear files
'attach' command supports globs:
gricli> attach *.xml
Jobs can be submitted asynchronously by adding & as second argument to submit command:
gricli> submit "echo hello world" &
This command will complete much faster, but it will not report any submission problems.
'help' command will print the list of all possible commands and their description. Any bug reports should be sent to Please send the commands, their output and stack traces. In order to obtain stack traces, set 'debug' to true:
gricli> set debug true
grisu server caches faulty submission locations, and does not display them for performance reasons. Sometimes cache must be reset when submission location starts working again. It can be done by issuing 'clearCache' command and restarting gricli afterward:
gricli> user clearCache