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GRAD Factions

Internal information for Gruppe Adler members here.


Variant 1: npm

Highly recommended: >= npm-3.x, which comes with NodeJS 6.x. Don't use older versions!

npm install grad-factions --save

For updating, change the desired version number in your mission's package.json, and do npm install

Variant 2: manually

Alternatively, you can install grad-factions manually. You will then also need grad-loadout.

  • download both grad-factions and grad-loadout as zipfiles from github, and put the directories into a node_modules directories, so that you get:



You may set some of those options. They may or may have no effect, depending on the chosen factions.

#define NIGHTVISION  // equip night vision goggles
#define GUNLIGHTS    // equip gun lights
#define LASERS       // equip weapon laser
#define SUPPRESSORS  // equip suppressors

Below, add this:

class Loadouts {
    baseDelay = 1;      // base delay in seconds before applying loadouts on mission start
    handleRadios = 1;   // radios are handled by grad-loadout
    resetLoadout = 0;   // start with empty loadouts instead of modifying existing loadout

	class Faction {
        #include "node_modules\grad-factions\loadouts.hpp"

class CfgFunctions {
    #include "node_modules\grad-loadout\CfgFunctions.hpp"


You're nearly done. One last thing you will have to do: define which loadouts should actually be applied: Somewhere in your init.sqf:


[faction,loadout] call GRAD_Loadout_fnc_FactionSetLoadout;
Parameter Description
faction string - Faction that the following loadout class should be applied to.
loadout string - Loadout classname. See below for available loadouts.

Here we will give the vanilla NATO units Bundeswehr loadouts, specifically BwFleck and the vanilla FIA units will get the ModerateRebels loadouts.

["BLU_F", "BwFleck"] call GRAD_Loadout_fnc_FactionSetLoadout;
["OPF_G_F", "ModerateRebels"] call GRAD_Loadout_fnc_FactionSetLoadout;

HINT: If you do not know which faction your editor-created units belong to, have a look into the BI Community Wiki. There is also a table with all faction IDs.

NOTE: Loadouts are not guaranteed to work with units provided by Mods. If you need a specific mod supported, open an issue with grad-loadout.

Available Loadouts

All of the included loadouts need gruppe_adler_mod for its medical items. Most loadouts will also need other mods.

Available Loadout Factions

These factions are available (see also the factions directory):

Name Description Author
BwFleck Bundeswehr Flecktarn McDiod
BwTrop Bundeswehr Tropentarn McDiod
BwSnow Bundeswehr Schneetarn McDiod
RuFlora Russian MSV Flora McDiod
RuEMR Russian MSV EMR-Summer McDiod
UsOCP US Army OCP McDiod
UsUCP US Army UCP McDiod
UsMPT US Marines MARPAT McDiod
SOGBlack CIA Special Operations Group Synch
UsmcVietnam Vietnam-Era USMC Eras
SOCOMVietnam Vietnam-Era Special Forces Ainer
Vietcong Vietnamese Guerilla Eras
Taliban Taliban (non-standard medic loadouts) Slant
IsraeliDefenseForce Israeli Defense Force Eras

Rank Dependent Loadout

The medic loadouts are rank dependent. All medics carry surgical kits.

Rank Description
Private Combat medic loadout. Enough tourniquets and bandages for first aid and combat trauma care.
Corporal Medic loadout. More of everything as well as some saline.
Sergeant and above Surgeon loadout. Arm-leg-kit for broken limbs and more saline.


Of the aforementioned factions, only the following unit types have a loadout. Note that the editors unit description doesn not 100% match the actual functionality of the units within these loadouts.

Unit Description (in Editor) Unit Classname Function Funktion (Deutsch)
Squad Leader Soldier_SL_F Squad Leader Gruppenführer und Zugführer
Team Leader Soldier_TL_F Fireteam Leader Truppführer
Rifleman Soldier_F Rifleman Schütze
Rifleman (AT) soldier_LAT_F Light AT Schütze mit leichter AT-Waffe
Autorifleman soldier_AR_F LMG Gunner LMG Schütze
Asst. Autorifleman soldier_AAR_F LMG Assistant LMG Assistent
Heavy Gunner HeavyGunner_F MMG Gunner MMG Schütze
Ammo Bearer soldier_A_F MMG Assistant MMG Assistent
Gunner (HMG/GMG) support_MG_F HMG Gunner HMG Schütze
Asst. Gunner (HMG/GMG) support_AMG_F HMG Assistant HMG Assistent
Missile Specialist (AA) soldier_AA_F AA Specialist Luftabwehrschütze
Asst. Missile Specialist (AA) soldier_AAA_F Ammo Bearer for AA Specialist Munitionsträger für Luftabwehrschütze
Missile Specialist (AT) soldier_AT_F AT Specialist Panzerabwehrschütze
Asst. Missile Specialist (AT) soldier_AAT_F Ammo Bearer for AT Specialist Munitionsträger für Panzerabwehrschütze
Grenadier Soldier_GL_F Grenadier Grenadier
Combat Life Saver medic_F Medic (rank-dependent) Sanitäter (rangabhängig)
Explosive Specialist soldier_exp_F Explosive Specialist Sprengmeister
Repair Specialist soldier_repair_F Repair Specialist Reparaturspezialist
Marksman soldier_M_F Designated Marksman Gruppenscharfschütze

And currently only for the Russian factions:

Unit Description (in Editor) Unit Classname Function Funktion (Deutsch)
Sniper sniper_F Sniper Scharfschütze
Spotter spotter_F Spotter Spotter