Table of Content
- Types of Data
- More deeply in Avro
- Using Avro in Sqoop, Hive and Impala
- Using Parquet in Sqoop, Hive and Impala
Show the content of HDFS directory:
hdfs dfs -ls
Upload a file to HDFS:
hdfs dfs -put <localDocumentName> <HDFSDocumentName>
Download a file to Local from HDFS:
hdfs dfs -get <HDFS directory>/<HDFS filename> <Localfilename>
Remove a fields from HDFS:
hdfs dfs -rm -R [-skipTrash]
β Be careful with
option because it will bypass trash, if enabled, and delete the specified file(s) immediately. This can be useful when it is necessary to delete files from an over-quota directory.
π‘ More information about HDFS click in this link, or put hdfs dfs
in command line.
Yarn app list:
yarn application -list
Yarn kill process:
yarn application -kill <ApplicationID>
Show all the sqoop options:
sqoop help
Show all the tables in a database:
sqoop list-tables --connect jdbc:mysql://<dataBase> --username <name> --password <password>
You can see that we are using a jdbc connection to MySQL dataBase
Import a database with Sqoop and put in a base directory:
sqoop import-all-tables \
--connect jdbc:mysql://dbhost/<dataBase> --username <name> --password <password> \
--warehouse-dir /<nameOfDirectory> \
- You can use
to specify a directory. --target-dir
is incompatible with--warehouse-dir
Incremental import can be used by lastmodified
sqoop import --table <nameTable> \
--connect jdbc:mysql://dbhost/<database> --username <name> --password <password> \
--incremental lastmodified \
--check-column <columnName> \
--last-value '<timeStampValue>' \
or we can use append
sqoop import --table <nameTable> \
--connect jdbc:mysql://dbhost/<database> --username <name> --password <password> \
--incremental append \
--check-column <columnId> \
--last-value <valueId>
See all info in Impala Shell with next command:
impala-shell --help
Some interesting commands to begin:
# Start impala-shell
# Start impala-shell in a different server
impala-shell -i
Some interesting options:
- If you have a document with some queries, the
can be used:
impala-shell -f myFileWithQueries.sql
- If you want to run queries directly from terminal use
impala-shell -q 'SELECT * FROM users'
Some interesting commands to begin:
# Start Hive
# Start beeline in a different server with corresponding name and password
beeline -u jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/default -n scott -w password_file
Some interesting options:
- If you have a document with some queries, the
can be used to run it:
beeline -f myFileWithQueries.hql
- If you want to run queries directly from terminal use
impala-shell -e 'SELECT * FROM users'
π‘ More information about the command options click in the link
Create a new database:
A database is simply an HDFS directory containing one or more files. its path is:
Drop a database:
Create a table:
CREATE TABLE people (colname DATATYPE, ...)
A table is simply an HDFS directory containing one or more files. its path is:
Create new table using LIKE
CREATE TABLE people_otherCountry LIKE people
Create a new table using SELECT
statement as well:
CREATE TABLE people_otherCountry AS SELECT * FROM people
If remove problems will be avoid, the EXTERNAL
statement can be used:
Remember to use
when a tables should be created in a specific directory
If the user wants to explore the tables in the current database: SHOW TABLES
. Sometimes users wants to see
information about tables, users can use DESCRIBE tableName
Add data in tables uploading the info in the HDFS directory:
hdfs dfs -mv /tmp/people.txt /user/hive/warehouse/people/
LOAD DATA INPATH 'tmp/people.txt' INTO TABLE people
This command moves the data just the command above. :bulb: More information about DML
Remove all the data using the OVERWRITE
Another way is to populate a table is through a query using INSERT INTO
INSERT INTO TABLE people_copy SELECT * FROM people
In case of using Impala, is important to keep in mind metastore due to be outsite of impala. The metastore could be changed by Hive, HDFS, HCatalog or Metastore Manager. Because of that, find below some important commands about that:
External Metadata Change | Required Actions |
New table added | INVALIDATE METADATA |
Table schema modified or New data added to a table | REFRESH <table> |
Data in a table extensively altered, such as by HDFS balancing | INVALIDATE METADATA <table> |
π‘ More information about the DDL options click in the link
We said before "By default, a table is simply an HDFS directory containing one or more files", so all the data is located in the same place, in other words, a full scan
is done in this folder because all files are read.
create table example_cities (num_pers int,city string) LOCATION /example_folder/cities
with partitioning, you divide the data. In time analysis you only read the relevant subsets
create table example_cities (num_pers int) PARTITIONED BY(city String) LOCATION /example_folder/example_cities
and the folder structure is:
|_ example_cities
|_ Barcelona
|_ Paris
|_ London
β partition column is a virtual column, data is not stored in the field
The data can be loaded in partitioned table through 2 ways:
- Dynamic partitioning
- Static partitioning
- Partitions are created based in the last column
- If the partition has not already exist, it will be created. If exists, it will be overwritten
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE example_cities PARTITION(city) SELECT num_pers,city FROM example;
π‘ More about Dynamic partition configuration
ALTER TABLE example_cities ADD PARTITION (city = 'Madrid')
- Adds the partition to the table metadata
- Create a subdirectory
|_ example_cities
|_ Barcelona
|_ Paris
|_ London
|_ Madrid
Then, the data has to be loaded
LOAD DATA INPATH '/user/data.log' INTO TABLE example_cities PARTITION (city = 'Madrid')
Text File
- The most basic type in Hadoop
- Useful when debugging
- Representing numerics like string wastes storage space
Sequence File
- Less verbose than text file
- Capable of stoting binary data
Avro File
- Efficient storage due to optimized binary encoding
- Widely supported
- Ideal for long-term
- Read/Write from a lot of languages
- Embed schema -> Readable data
- Schema evolution can accommodate changes
- Organize the information in columns
- Very efficient with small subsets of a table's column
Parquet File
- Schema metadata embedded in the file
- Advanced optimizations from Dremel paper
- Most efficient when adding many records at once
To understand Avro, we must understand serialization, which is the process of translating data structures or object state into a format that can be stored (for example, in a file or memory buffer, or transmitted across a network connection link) and reconstructed later in the same or another computer environment.
Avro hold the next kind of types:
- Simple: null, Boolean, int, long, float, double, bytes, String
- Complex record, enum, array, map, union, fixed
A schema is represented in JSON by one of:
- A JSON string, naming a defined type
- A JSON object, of the form:
{"type": "typeName ...attributes... "}
where typeName is either a primitive or derived type name. - A JSON array, representing a union of embedded types.
An example of Avro schema:
{"namespace": "example.avro",
"type": "record",
"name": "User",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string"},
{"name": "favorite_number", "type": ["int", "null"]},
{"name": "favorite_color", "type": ["string", "null"]}
A schema file can only contain a single schema definition
At minimum, for this example a record definition must include:
π‘ More information about field types
Following the schema of the example:
{"type": "record",
"name": "nameOfRecord",
"namespace": "qualifies the name",
"aliases": "alias" //Optional
"docs": "comments to clarify" //Optional
"fields": [{"name":...,"type":...,
"default":...}] //Optional
The full name Schema is defined as = nameSpace
+ name
. In this case, example.avro.User
If you want to inspect Avro files, you can do it with Avro Tools.
This product includes software developed at
The Apache Software Foundation (
Available tools:
cat extracts samples from files
compile Generates Java code for the given schema.
concat Concatenates avro files without re-compressing.
fragtojson Renders a binary-encoded Avro datum as JSON.
fromjson Reads JSON records and writes an Avro data file.
fromtext Imports a text file into an avro data file.
getmeta Prints out the metadata of an Avro data file.
getschema Prints out schema of an Avro data file.
idl Generates a JSON schema from an Avro IDL file
idl2schemata Extract JSON schemata of the types from an Avro IDL file
induce Induce schema/protocol from Java class/interface via reflection.
jsontofrag Renders a JSON-encoded Avro datum as binary.
random Creates a file with randomly generated instances of a schema.
recodec Alters the codec of a data file.
repair Recovers data from a corrupt Avro Data file
rpcprotocol Output the protocol of a RPC service
rpcreceive Opens an RPC Server and listens for one message.
rpcsend Sends a single RPC message.
tether Run a tethered mapreduce job.
tojson Dumps an Avro data file as JSON, record per line or pretty.
totext Converts an Avro data file to a text file.
totrevni Converts an Avro data file to a Trevni file.
trevni_meta Dumps a Trevni file's metadata as JSON.
trevni_random Create a Trevni file filled with random instances of a schema.
trevni_tojson Dumps a Trevni file as JSON.
If we want to export some table in sqoop:
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/loudacre \
--username training --password training \
--table accounts \
--target-dir /loudacre/accounts_avro \
The Sqoop import will save the json schema in local directory
If we want to use Avro in Hive or Impala keep in mind that:
- Hive supports all types
- Impala doesn't support complex types, see more information in impala doc
Add the schema to a table:
CREATE TABLE example_avro
TBLPROPERTIES ('avro.schema.url'=
or embed the schema:
CREATE TABLE example_avro
TBLPROPERTIES ('avro.schema.literal'=
'{"name": "order",
"type": "record",
"fields": [
{"name":"id", "type":"int"},
{"name":"cust_id", "type":"int"},
{"name":"date", "type":"string"}]
β For http schemas, this works for testing and small-scale clusters, but as the schema will be accessed at least once from each task in the job, this can quickly turn the job into a DDOS attack.
π‘ More information about Avro in Hive
If we want to export some table in sqoop:
sqoop import \
--connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/loudacre \
--username training --password training \
--table accounts \
--target-dir /loudacre/accounts_avro \
Create table stored as Parquet:
CREATE TABLE example_parquet (
id INT,
prod_id INT)
LOCATION '/folderExample/example_parquet';
An event is the unit of work and it is composed by:
- Body (payload)
- Headers (metadata)
The components of Flume architecture are:
- Source: event reciever
- Channel: Buffer
- Sink: event deliver
Flume agent is configured through a java properties, we show an example:
# define components
agents1.sources = s1
agents1.channels = c1
agents1.sinks = s1
# define source from Syslog
agents1.sources.s1.type = syslogtcp
agents1.sources.s1.port = 5140 = localhost
agents1.sources.s1.channels = c1
#define channel
agents1.channels.c1.type = memory
#define sink = c1
agents1.sinks.s1.hdfs.path = /flume/events/%y-%m-%d/%H%M/%S
agents1.sinks.s1.hdfs.filePrefix = events-
agents1.sinks.s1.hdfs.round = true
agents1.sinks.s1.hdfs.roundValue = 10
agents1.sinks.s1.hdfs.roundUnit = minute
π‘ More information about Flume
If you want to begin with Apache Spark:
- Download the package
- Move to the parent folder and run
Every Spark application requires a sparkContext
, it is the main entry point to the Spark API.
You can see it in the image.
If you want more information about sparkContext
you can visit his library
The basic Spark unit is the RDD:
- R esilient : If data is losed, it can be created again
- D istributed : Compute across the cluster
- D ataset : Data used to work with
There are two ways to create RDDs: parallelizing an existing collection in your driver program, or referencing a dataset in an external storage system, such as a shared filesystem, HDFS, HBase, or any data source offering a Hadoop InputFormat.
Remember that:
- RDD are immutable
- Data is partitioned across the cluster and it is done automatically by Spark, but you can control it.
- Transform to
to modify the data as needed
And the RDD operations are divided in two blocks:
around the pipelinesActions
to return values
To see the transformations and action concepts we would like to present an example of create a RDD. In our case, we use the Quixote intro to practice:
// Load the file in Spark memory
val text = sc.textFile("~/Desktop/data/quixote.txt")
// Transform the text to Uppercase (TRANSFORMATION)
val upperCase = => x.upperCase)
// Count the number of Rows in the RDD (ACTION)
val resCount = upperCase.count
An important thing is that Spark is lazy evaluation that means that transformations are not calculated until an action.
π‘ If you want to now more about RDD, you can visit the API documentation.
Next point to mention are Pair RDD. It will have (key,value)
(tuples) structure, and it
has some additional functions in his PairRDDFunctions in the API
// Apply map function to convert the tex above into (word,1)
val tuple = text.flatMap(x => x.split(' ')).map(x => (_,1))
// Calculate the how many times the words are repeated
val sumOfWords = tuple.reduceByKey((x1,x2) => x1 + x2)
// See the tuples
Once you have seen some maps transformations, you could find interesting to
evaluate the lineage execution , we can use .toDebugString
for that:
scala> sumOfWords.toDebugString
res21: String =
(1) MapPartitionsRDD[33] at map at <console>:25 []
| ShuffledRDD[30] at reduceByKey at <console>:23 []
+-(1) MapPartitionsRDD[29] at map at <console>:23 []
| MapPartitionsRDD[28] at flatMap at <console>:23 []
| file:///home/training/Desktop/data/quixote.txt MapPartitionsRDD[11] at textFile at <console>:21 []
| file:///home/training/Desktop/data/quixote.txt HadoopRDD[10] at textFile at <console>:21 []
Each Spark transformation create a new child RDD, and all the childs created depends of his parent. This is essential because every action will execute all the childs. Because of that, we present you the persistence concept.
Persistence is the process to save the data in memory by default.
When we are working in a distributed system, the data is partitioned across the cluster, and your persisted data will be saved in the Executor JVMs. If your partition persisted is not available, Driver starts a new task to recompute the partition in a different node, then the data is never lost.
Spark has 3 Storage location options:
- MEMORY_ONLY(default) : Same as cache
- MEMORY_AND_DISK : Store partitions on disk if it not fit in memory
- DISK_ONLY : Store all in disk
// Persist data
// Unpersist data
Once you have seen something about Spark, we show you 3 important concepts:
Concept | Description |
Job | A set of tasks executed as a result of an action |
Stage | A set of task in a job |
Task | Unit of work |
Depending of what kind of transformations are you using, you may have skew data, so be careful. The dependencies within RDD can be a problem, so keep in mind:
Narrow dependencies: No shuffle between Node. All transformations in workers. e.g map
Wide dependencies: data need to be suffle and it defines a new stage. e.g reduce,join.
- More partitions = more paralallel task
- Cluster will be under-utilized if there are too few partitions.
We can control how many partitions configuring the
propertyspark.default.parallelism 10 // Or in the numPartitions parameters tuple.reduceByKey((x1,x2) => x1 + x2, 15)
I recommend you to see this presentation by Vida Ha and Holden Karau about wide operations.
Spark applications run as independent sets of processes on a cluster, coordinated by the SparkContext
object in your main program.
I recommend you to read some interesting concepts about Spark in cluster in the Spark glossary. Some of them has been presented before.
To launch a Spark Application, the spark-submit
script is used for that.
If your code depends on other projects, you will need to package them alongside your application in order to distribute the code to a Spark cluster.
Both sbt and Maven have assembly plugins. When creating assembly jars, list Spark and Hadoop as provided dependencies; these need not be bundled since they are provided by the cluster manager at runtime.
We have 3 ways to configure the Spark applications:
- Set the parameters through the
within the Spark code - Set the arguments in the
- Modify the properties file. By default it will take
Use the help
command to see all the spark-submit options:
spark-submit --help
Spark has many parameters to tune depending of our needs, we are going to take a look some of the most common:
--master MASTER_URL
Decription |
local |
Run Spark locally with one worker thread (i.e. no parallelism at all) |
local[K] |
Run Spark locally with K worker threads (ideally, set this to the number of cores on your machine) |
local[*] |
Run Spark locally with as many worker threads as logical cores on your machine |
yarn |
Connect to a YARN cluster in client or cluster mode depending on the value of --deploy-mode. The cluster location will be found based on the HADOOP_CONF_DIR or YARN_CONF_DIR variable |
yarn-client |
Equivalent to yarn with --deploy-mode client, which is preferred to yarn-client |
yarn-cluster |
Equivalent to yarn with --deploy-mode cluster, which is preferred to yarn-cluster |
--deploy-mode DEPLOY_MODE
: Whether to launch the driver program locally ("client") or on one of the worker machines inside the cluster ("cluster") (Default: client).--class CLASS_NAME
: Your application's main class (for Java / Scala apps).--name NAME
: A name of your application.--conf KEY=VALUE
: Arbitrary Spark configuration property--properties-file FILE
:Path to a file from which to load extra properties. If not specified, this will look forconf/spark-defaults.conf
.--driver-memory MEM
:Memory for driver (e.g. 1000M, 2G) (Default: 1024M).--driver-java-options
: Extra Java options to pass to the driver.--driver-library-path
: Extra library path entries to pass to the driver.--driver-class-path
: Extra class path entries to pass to the driver. Note that jars added with --jars are automatically included in the classpath.--executor-memory MEM
:Memory per executor (e.g. 1000M, 2G) (Default: 1G).
./bin/spark-submit \
--class org.apache.spark.examples.SparkPi \
--master local[8] \
/path/to/examples.jar \
π‘ More information abour Spark properties configuration
As we said at the beginning of this chapter, the main entry point for spark apps is a sparkContext, so in spark SQL is sqlContext.
We have 2 options:
import org.apache.apache.spark.SqlContext val sqlC = new SQLContext(sc)
π‘ Visit the API for more information
HiveContext (support full HiveQL, but requires access to
by Spark)π‘ Visit the API for more information
To play with Dataframe we have put a json dataset in the root of Spark folder that we have downloaded before. Then:
val jsonData ="grades.json")
// Print first 3 records
we will obtain:
| 1| homework| 45| Mary|
| 2| homework| 48| Alice|
| 3| quiz| 16| Fiona|
only showing top 3 rows
π‘ More information about how to create Dataframe
Once our Dataframe is created, we can play with it:
// Print the schema
scala> jsonData.printSchema
The result will be:
|-- _id: long (nullable = true)
|-- assignment: string (nullable = true)
|-- grade: long (nullable = true)
|-- student: string (nullable = true)
Now, we want to filter some rows to find all the homeworks with a grade greater than 50:
// Filter all the assigments as homework and grade greater than 50
scala> jsonData.where(jsonData("assignment") === "homework" && jsonData("grade") > 50)
The result will be:
|_id|assignment|grade| student|
| 5| homework| 82|Samantha|
| 9| homework| 61| Sam|
π‘ More information about how to work with Dataframes and functions
Dataframes are built on RDD, so we can work forward them using .rdd
val jsonAsRdd = jsonData.rdd
// Apply the same filter logic as in transformation point
val result = jsonAsRdd.filter(x => ((x(1) == "homework") && (x.getLong(2) > 50)))
The result is the same:
π‘ More information about how to work with Row