Typesetter 5.1.1 - updated and advanced fork of version 5.1 (for php 7.0 to 7.4) - with jquery 1.12 (archived)
Typesetter 5.2 - updated and advanced version of Typesetter 5.2 beta (for php 7.3 and 7.4 only) - with jquery 2.24
Typesetter 5.3 - updated and advanced version of Typesetter 5.2 (for php 8.0 to 8.3) - with jquery 3.6x
Ckeditor 4 - a repository with older ckeditor-versions for Typesetter CMS and help
Ckeditor 4 - Api - extension from Akilli
Font - Awesome 6 for Ckeditor 4
Ckeditor-Themes - a fork of Maholito
Plugins for Typesetter 5.2 and 5.3
Themes for Typesetter 5.2 and 5.3
Simple Blog - a fork of JUEK
Custom sections - a fork of JUEK
AddScript-Plugin a fork of JUEK-Catalin
Tinypng - a png-minimizer
Typesetter breadcrumb - fork of Sestolab
Catalog easy - a fork of Maholito
Cached Image - a fork of Maholito
* Documentation is in the top-line of a repo under 'WIKI' (if Wiki exists)
- If You have a new plugin, please post it at github so that i can add it to the list !