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Releases: gtri/upstage


06 Mar 02:55
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What's Changed

The biggest change is a behavior change that would break any sim written in the previous version that had the inconsistent behavior. This is bringing Wait and other UPSTAGE events in line with SimPy behavior for re-yielding. The rest of the changes are non-breaking improvements to data logging, error checking, and other features.

  • States can now be None by default using parameter allow_none_default #31
  • Utilities for bulk knowledge changing (get, set, and clear) #32
  • Improved Task documentation and error checking #36
  • Data utility improvements (#38 , #43 )
    • record_state() added to record states that are objects with their own get and set (not just int/str/float, e.g.)
    • States with key:value attributes (like dict, dataclass, counter) get recorded in create_table by attribute
    • States that are non-recording can have their last value output to the data table
  • SimPy matching behaviors in Wait (#42 )
    • Wait, and other events, weren't able to be yielded again and have behavior consistent with SimPy
    • Now re-yielding on a Wait will succeed on the original time
  • Tailorable DecisionTask zero-time behavior and docs (#44 )
  • Updated pixi and envs

v0.2.1 Location and Data Improvements

03 Jan 14:18
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  • States now initialize to their default value on actor creation (#23)
    • Fixes a bug in data recording
    • Required improvements in DetectabilityState made to avoid early MotionManager call
  • Location data object improvements. (#24)
    • The <>LocationData types can now test for equality. Useful for tests in serializing or other data pre-processing to a sim.

v0.2.0: Update main for version bump (#16)

24 Dec 01:32
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* Updating NamedEntity and Monitoring resources to assist data gathering.

* Added data gathering functions.

* Docs for data gathering. Updates for usability an clarity.

* Updating to v0.2 due to new features.

PyPI Release

10 Dec 18:50
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The library has been renamed to work with PyPI installability.

Initial Release

10 Dec 15:42
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Initial release of UPSTAGE.