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Things to take care of

Gurmit Teotia edited this page Feb 2, 2019 · 2 revisions

In a workflow:

  • Don't store state in its member variable. Workflow is a template which is used in execution of multiple workflows. There is a feature in pipeline to store workflow variables.
  • Write deterministic logic in workflow
  • Workflow is not thread safe. Do not host same workflow instance in multiple WorkflowHost. Performance and scalability has more related interesting information.
  • Don't schedule the workflow item- timer, lambda, activity, child workflow when it is already active.
  • Don't let the workflow items to overstep on each other. An already active workflow item can not be scheduled again. A workflow item should be in-active ( either it is completed/failed/timedout or not has run at all) state for it to be scheduled. e.g. if an activity is already running then you can not schedule it again until previous instance is finished.
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