A Decentralized Application is a piece of software that has its backend code running on a decentralized peer to peer network. This project holds the frontend part that connects with the backends (nodes) to provide its features. If you did not yet read the backend documentation, please do so !
With the front, you will be able to :
- Create an account and register to become a Pycotr trader :-)
- Sign-In the Pycotr web site
- Configure the network nodes
- Submit transactions
- Explore the content of the blockchain for each of the nodes
- Mofify the mining rate if the nodes and see the impact on the consensus
Pycotr FrontEnd uses a number of techno. to work properly:
- [Javascript/JQuery/Bootstrap/EJS] - To write this frontend
- [Express] - As web server
- [Jest] - For Unit and Integration tests
- [Pupetteer] - For e2e tests
PyCotr FrontEnd requires npm
Install the dependencies and start the server.
- Install npm
- Checkout the project
- Run npm i
- Run start.sh
Execute unit tests and integration tests by running npm run test
Execute e2e tests by running npm run test:e2e
Start in debug mode the main.js file.
- Run start.sh
- In a browser, enter http://localhost:8080
- Click Sign-In link
- At the bottom of the page, click the Register link
- Feed the form (keep the provided fake values)
- Click Register
- Copy the private key
- Click Sign-In
- Feed the form with the email prefix (for example 'test' if you've registered with test@gg.com)
- Click Sign-In
- Click Configure in the navigation bar
- Click the configure button
- The network configuration is displayed
Submitting a transaction means that you will send a certain amount of Pycotr currency from a wallet to another wallet. Whenever a user registers, a public and private key are generated. Do you remember, you copied the private key when you've registred earlier. As a wallet is represented by a public key, before being able to submit a transaction we need a second user.
- Click the email in the upper right corner of the web page, this will signout you
- Proceed as you did in step To register in order to create this second user.
- Now we have 2 users registered, sign-in with the first user
- Click Transaction menu item in the navigation bar
- Select the node "http://localhost:3003" as Target Blockchain Network Node
- Enter an amount Transaction Amount
- Select the email of the second user as Target Wallet
- Enter the private key of the first registered user
- Click Proceed
- The transaction has been submitted on node "http://localhost:3003"
- The transaction will be broadcast to other nodes
Each node for tutorial purpose , mines the transactions at a different rate.
- Node 1 : "http://localhost:3001" --> 5sec
- Node 2 : "http://localhost:3002" --> 10sec
- Node 3 : "http://localhost:3003" --> 15sec
This leads the Node 1 to win the consensus whenever one of the other nodes send their blockcahin to challenge it since it will always have the longest one.
See Consensus or The Longest Chain rule in the backend doc for more information on consensus.
- Click Explore in the navigation bar
- Select the node "http://localhost:3001"
- Select the email of the user 1
- You can see all transactions related to this user
Remember that each node has its own blockchain, and even you've submitted the transaction to node "http://localhost:3003", and because all transactions are broadcast, node "http://localhost:3001" has mined it before all other nodes see it and won the consensus.
To see that other nodes have agreed on blockchain maintained by the node "http://localhost:3001" ,
- Click Explore in the navigation bar
- Select the node "http://localhost:3002"
- Move your cursor to the information at the end of the node select box
- A tooltip appears and display from which node the current blockchain of the selected node comes from
Each node for tutorial purpose, mines the transactions at a different rate.
- Node 1 : "http://localhost:3001" --> 5sec
- Node 2 : "http://localhost:3002" --> 10sec
- Node 3 : "http://localhost:3003" --> 15sec
The consensus is always won by the Node 1 as shown below
Let's modify the rate of nodes and see what's happen
- Click on the Configure menu item in the navigation bar
- Click the Configure button
- Click on Node 1 "http://localhost:3001" link
- Enter 30 in the Pause input field
- Click the Configure button
- Now the Node 1 mines blocks every 30 seconds.
- Click on the Configure menu item in the navigation bar
- Click the Configure button
- Click on Node 3 "http://localhost:3001" link
- Enter 2 in the Pause input field
- Click the Configure button
- Now the Node 3 mines blocks every 2 seconds.
- Click on the Explore menu item in the navigation bar
- Select the Node 1 and move the cursor to see the tooltip value
- Node 3 is now the winner as shown below. If not the case just refresh the page, it takes some time for all nodes to complete a mining cycle and claim consensus.
This project is only for educational or learning purpose. Use at your own risk.