| Dining is a unique offering by , which encourages everyone to eat mindfully , order less , eat home cooked food. Its high time we recognise the power of food and water to not only nourish our body ,but mind and spirit. All the resturants listed in | Dining serves highly energised food.
Product Listing - Display at least 6-10 products using a grid layout
Light / Dark mode toggle
Add to cart - Add the chosen product to a user's virtual shopping cart. Update the cart icon or a dedicated counter to reflect the number of added items . Provide visual feedback (e.g., animation) confirming the item's addition.
Cart page - Display a dedicated cart page where users can manage their selected products
A list of all added products, displaying: Product image , Product name , Product price
- Quantity selector (up/down buttons or input field) to adjust the amount of each item.
- "Remove Item" button to delete a specific product from the cart.
- Cart summary section:
- Subtotal: Calculate the total cost of all items in the cart based on their quantity and price.
- Discounts : Implement the ability to apply discounts on the total price.
- Total price (including discounts): Display the final price the user needs to pay.
- Checkout button: This can redirect to a simulated checkout page or provide a message indicating successful cart addition.
Increase / Decrease Quantity
- To exhibit my ability to handle and properly integrate real world API .
- Images are always available in optimised quality in this API .
- No matter what the data is , I intented to exhibit my ability to manage state properly using redux tolkit and my abilities to create symmetric , clean & accessible web application.
- Added "priority" attribute to
tags where image was LCP element .
- Improved accesibility from 79 to 91 , by adding proper aria-label to Links and Buttons and using semantic HTML .
Metric Score Performance 95 SEO 91 Accessibility 91 Best Practices 100
Client: Next.js, Redux Toolkit, TailwindCSS
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm run dev
Deploy on Vercel