Welcome to Cit Hacks, a community for everyone aimed for encouraging and promoting public speaking,communication skills, soft skills, best practices, technical expertise and opensource contribution in the field of Computer Science via conducting workshops , hackathons and mentorship sessions in an inclusive and welcoming environment
- Treat everyone with respect and kindness.
- Be thoughtful in how you communicate.
- Don't be destructive or inflammatory.
If you join in or contribute to our club ecosystem in any way, you are encouraged to follow the Code of Conduct/
Explicit enforcement of the Code of Conduct applies to all official workshops, in-person meetings, and events including:
- The Slack & Discord channel
- The Events, including AMAs, Gaming Nights, Zoom study call, work shops and mentorship sessions
- The GitHub projects
- Club Meetings
- Be friendly and welcoming
- Be patient
- Remember that people have varying communication styles and that not everyone is using their native language (meaning and tone can be lost in translation).
- Be thoughtful
- Productive communication requires effort. Think about how your words will be interpreted.
- Remember that sometimes it is best to refrain entirely from commenting.
- Be respectful
- In particular, respect differences of opinion.
- Be charitable
- Interpret the arguments of others in good faith, do not seek to disagree.
- When we do disagree, try to understand why.
- Avoid destructive behavior:
- Derailing: stay on topic; if you want to talk about something else, start a new conversation.
- Unconstructive criticism: don't merely condemn the current state of affairs; offer—or at least solicit—suggestions as to how things may be improved.
- Snarking (pithy, unproductive, sniping comments)
- Discussing potentially offensive or sensitive issues; this all too often leads to unnecessary conflict.
- Microaggressions: brief and commonplace verbal, behavioral, and environmental indignities that communicate hostile, derogatory or negative slights and insults to a person or group.
- Expressing or provoking:
- Insulting, demeaning, hateful, or threatening remarks;
- Biscrimination based on age, nationality, race, (dis)ability, gender (identity or expression), sexuality, religion, or similar personal characteristic;
- Bullying or systematic harassment;
- unwelcome sexual advances, including sexually explicit content.
- Advertisement or recruitment for events, companies, organizations, etc - unless specifically given permission by Hack Club HQ.
- Posting spam-like content that disrupts the environment of the community.
If you feel uncomfortable or think there may be a potential violation of the code of conduct,
please report it immediately by sending us a mail at developersofcit@gmail.com