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Audit scope

Contracts list

  • FreeFund.sol
  • GenesisNFTLock.sol
  • GenesisNFTmirror.sol
  • InvestmentFund.sol
  • StakingGenesisNFT.sol
  • StakingWlth.sol
  • Wlth.sol
  • GenesisNFTVesting.sol
  • SimpleVesting.sol
  • StakingGenesisNFTVesting.sol
  • WhitelistedVesting.sol


This repository contains Common Wealth platform smart contracts, testing and deployment scripts. It includes actual smart contract description along with actual deployment addresses. Based on Hardhat development environment, backed by slither, linter, prettier tooling. It is recommended to use yarn for executing commands due to package.json definitions.

Installation Instructions

Install dependencies

To install necessary dependencies use the following command:

npm i

Compiling Smart Contracts

In order to download proper compiler and compile run command below:

npx hardhat compile

To perform code analysis execute command:

yarn static-analyze

Testing Smart Contracts

There are unit, component and integration tests included for Common Wealth smart contracts. You can run all tests at once by running the following command:

yarn test

It is also recommended to check and fix the code formatting using prettier:

yarn check-style

For complete code validation use this command:

yarn validate-all

Smart Contract code coverage

In order to check the code coverage, please rune the commend:

npm run coverage


Commonwealth contracts for dual defence audit 10.24






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