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karmabot is a Slack bot that listens for and performs karma operations.

The main difference from other bots is that this one is community oriented. This means that no karma will be applied unless community react using emoji.


  • Initiate a karma voting by posting to public channels:

    • @karmabot @username ++ for blah blah
    • @karmabot @username -- for blah blah

    Number of + or - is limited to karma.max_diff points (see the Usage section below). Upvote/downvote a user by adding reactjis to their message.

  • Get/set a karma of specific user by posting a direct message to karmabot.



$ pipx install
$ karmabot-init
$ # update config at ~/.config/karmabot/config.yml
$ karmabot


Install docker and then:

$ git clone && cd karmabot
$ # update config at ./data/config.yml
$ docker build -t karmabot .
$ docker run -d --name karmabot --restart=unless-stopped --network=host -it karmabot

This Dockerfile from repo contains setup for RaspberryPi. You can modify FROM field in order to target your distro.


$ git clone && cd karmabot
$ make install
$ karmabot-init
$ # update config at ~/.config/karmabot/config.yml
$ karmabot


$ pipx install
$ karmabot-init
$ # update config at ~/.config/karmabot/config.yml
$ sudo wget -o /etc/systemd/system/karmabot.service
$ sudo systemctl start karmabot.service
$ sudo systemctl enable karmabot.service


  1. Add a Slack Bot integration
  2. Invite karmabot to any existing channels and all future channels
  3. Run karmabot

📆 Autoposting

Set a channel in and a day of a month in and get a monthly digest.

📋 Configuration

option required? description default
log_level no set log level INFO
lang no options: en, uk en
slack_bot_token yes slack bot token
slack_app_token yes slack SocketMode app token
admins no admins who can set karma to users
karma.initial_value no the default amount of user karma 0
karma.max_diff no the maximum amount of points that users can give/take at once 5
karma.vote_timeout no a time to wait until a voting closes true
karma.upvote_emoji no reactjis to use for upvotes. +1, thumbsup, thumbsup_all
karma.downvote_emoji no reactjis to use for downvotes. -1, thumbsdown
karma.self_karma no allow users to add/remove karma to themselves false no channel to post digest to no a day when auto digest will be posted 1
db yes DB URI postgresql://admin:qwe123@localhost:5432/mydb

📖 Commands

All the commands should be sent into direct messages to karmabot.

command arguments description
get @username get a user's karma
set @username <points> set a user's karma to a specific number
digest show users' karma in descending order (zero karma is skipped)
pending show pending votings
config show config for this execution
help show this message


Multi-language depends on msginit and msgfmt which are parts of gettext package.

sudo apt-get install gettext

A language system consists of:

  • a .pot file that is a template that defines all the available for translation phrases
  • a .po file for each language - a file with translations for a particular language
  • a .mo file - a binary representation of the .po file that is used in runtime

The application uses .mo files in runtime so it's critical to update them upon editing .po files.

Add a new language

msginit --no-translator -i lang/karmabot.pot -l uk_UA.UTF-8

Update binaries (*.mo files) after modification of *.po files

msgfmt -o lang/<LANG>/LC_MESSAGES/ lang/<LANG>/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po

Slack application configuration

  • Basic Information
    • App-Level Tokens
      • Create an app token (config.slack_app_token)
  • Socket Mode
    • Enable Socket Mode
    • Features affected
      • Interactivity and Shortcuts
        • Turn on
      • Slash Commands
        • Add /karmabot
      • Enable Events
        • Subscribe to bot events:
          • app_mention
          • message:channels
          • team_join
