Oleh / By: Hafizh H Asyhari
This repository serves as a comprehensive collection of SQL-based database programs developed during my learning journey in database programming. It includes hands-on examples and exercises covering fundamental to advanced database topics:
- Table and Schema Management: Tables, indexes, and schemas.
- Aggregate Functions: COUNT, AVG, MAX, and more.
- Table Joins: INNER, OUTER, LEFT, RIGHT joins.
- Advanced Queries: Subqueries and views.
- ** Database Modeling ** : Tinjauan Umum Pemodelan Data, Model Hubungan Entitas, Desain Basis Data Merupakan Bagian dari Pemodelan Data, Mengklasifikasikan Objek dan Hubungan Data, Atribut Turunan dan Nilai Kode, Mengembangkan Skema Dasar, Menyempurnakan – Diagram Hubungan Entitas, Kunci Utama dan Kunci Asing, Menambahkan Kualitas ke Model, Hirarki Generalisasi, Menambahkan Aturan Integritas Data, Garis Besar Model Relasional
- Database Automation: Triggers, stored procedures, and beyond.
These programs are a blend of academic learning, exploration, and real-world challenges aimed at building a solid foundation in SQL.
Contributions are always welcome! If you have ideas, suggestions, or additional programs to share, follow these steps:
- Fork this repository.
- Make your changes or additions.
- Submit a pull request for review.
Let’s make this repository a collaborative space to learn, discuss, and innovate in database programming!
Whether you're a beginner or an experienced programmer, this repository is designed to provide insights, tips, and examples to enhance your database skills. Dive into the code, explore the examples, and join me in this exciting journey.
Created with 💻 and passion by Hafizh Hasyhari.
Explore more of my work and connect with me on GitHub at hafizhhasyhari.