This is a full-stack web application built with JavaScript, Express.js, React, and MySQL.
It was created as an individual project task for Hack Your Future Denmark's curriculum.
🍽️ Displaying meals from the database.
🔍 Searching for a meal.
📅 Making a reservation.
✍️ Leaving a review for a meal.
📈 Sorting meals by different criteria.
🧹 Filtering meals to find the perfect option.
🔍 View available meals and see detailed information for each one.
- Express.js
- Knex.js
- React
- Node.js
- Swiper.js
- Material UI
- Vite
During the development of this project, I faced several challenges that helped me learn new skills and technologies.
Through these challenges, I was able to gain a better understanding of React, CSS Modules, and Frontend Development in general. I also learned how to work with Express.js, KnexJS, and MySQL to build a full-stack web application.
In addition to these technical skills, I also learned how to manage my time effectively and prioritize tasks to meet deadlines.
Overall, this project was a great learning experience for me and helped me grow as a developer.