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Q&A: How to install a specific version of a CiliaQ plugin?

Jan Hansen edited this page Jul 26, 2024 · 2 revisions

Answer provided on 23rd of October 2020.

  1. Close all running FIJI / ImageJ software on your computer.
  2. Navigate in the system explorer to the directory where your FIJI / ImageJ software is located.
  3. Enter the ImageJ / FIJI folder (Note for Mac users: you can enter the Imagej / FIJI directory only by right-click on the FIJI or ImageJ icon and selecting show content.).
  4. In the FIJI / ImageJ directory: navigate to the plugins folder.
  5. Delete the old version of the plugin (e.g. the CiliaQ plugin version v0.1.3 would be named "CiliaQ_-0.1.3-SNAPSHOT.jar")
  6. Place the .jar-file of the new version that you aim to install into that folder (you can download the latest .jar file from the respective release note on the release page (Scroll down on that page to find an earlier version of CiliaQ), the file is named e.g. "CiliaQ_-0.1.4-SNAPSHOT.jar")
  7. From the next launch of FIJI / ImageJ on, the new version is installed and available in the plugins > CiliaQ menu.