The R package MUSTARD (MUlti-Sample Trajectory-Assisted Reduction of Dimensions) implements a trajectory-guided dimensionality reduction method for multi-sample scRNA-seq data. This all-in-one decomposition reveals major gene expression variation patterns along the trajectory and across multiple samples simultaneously, providing opportunities to discover sample endotypes and associated genes.
To install the latest version of the R package from GitHub, please run following commands in R:
if (!require("devtools"))
Detailed vignettes are available at this website.
Please cite the following paper: Zhuang, Haotian, Xin Gai, Anru R. Zhang, Wenpin Hou, Zhicheng Ji, and Pixu Shi. "Trajectory-guided dimensionality reduction for multi-sample single-cell RNA-seq data reveals biologically relevant sample-level heterogeneity." bioRxiv (2024): 2024-09.
Authors: Haotian Zhuang, Pixu Shi
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