This app is for multi-user blogging. Users can choose between being a subscriber, an author, or an administrator. Users have different levels of access depending on their responsibilities. Before they may do certain tasks, users must be authenticated. I've integrated Disqus and Mailtraps to make posting comments and sending bulk emails easier. It now has a slew of additional features.
In this project I build a RESTFUL API/CRUD application using laravel.
- Admin Dashboard
- Multi Roles
- Authentication
- Eloquent and more
This project was built with:
- PHP. v7.2.3
- Laravel 5.6.*
- Composer 2.0
- Laravel File Manager
In order to run, you need to install Laravel in your computer. Follow the Laravel step by step installation guide by visiting the following link ( to get intructions on how to intall it.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
- Open a terminal
- Clone this repo using:
git clone ""
- Create a mysql database
- Change mysql information on the env file
- Run
php artisan serve
on the terminal
- When the program is running go to your browser
- put: localhost:8000/posts
- Click on login, register and Sign up as a new member
- Enjoy the app
👤 Stanley Enow Lekunze
- Github: @happiguru
- LinkedIn:LinkedIn
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
This project is MIT licensed.