Quest version of ChatPlex SDK for BeatSaber
This SDK was created to simplify and streamline mods creation for multiple games. It mostly provides generic components and utilities for Unity modding and also specific components and utilities for BeatSaber
Each mods using ChatPlexSDK-BS can declare a module (optional, described below), this module is like an interface for the SDK to manage your mod, show settings UI and a enable/disable toggle if the module Type
is defined as Integrated
Components (Full list in documentation):
- CP_SDK ChatPlex SDK game agnostic namepace
- Animation Animated image loading and processing
- Chat Chat service for connecting to various live streaming platforms chat
- Config Json configuration utilities
- Logging Logging utilities
- Network Network and HTTP utilities
- Pool Memory management & pools utilities
- UI User interface components, views, flow coordinator, builders and factories
- Unity Tools and extensions to interact with Unity on different layer & threads, load fonts/sprites/textures
- Utils Various platform utils like Delegate/Action/Function/Event system
- XUI Tree like syntax CP_SDK::UI builder
- CP_SDK_BS ChatPlex SDK BeatSaber specific
- Game Game specific helper and utilities
- UI BeatSaber specific UI compoenents and utilities
To get the library, simply head over to the releases section, or build it yourself.
If you want to develop with the SDK simply follow the instructions below in # How to use (As a dependency)
To build the library, make sure you have QPM, CMake, Ninja installed
git clone --recursive
cd QuestChatPlexSDK-BS
qpm restore
qpm qmod build
cmake -G "Ninja" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="RelWithDebInfo" -B build
cmake --build ./build
Add this project as a dependence with QPM
qpm dependency add chatplex-sdk-bs
qpm restore
qpm qmod build
Add include path in CMakeLists.txt
after # codegen includes
# chatplex-sdk-bs includes
target_include_directories(${COMPILE_ID} PRIVATE ${EXTERN_DIR}/includes/chatplex-sdk-bs/shared)
Add this project as a dependence with QPM
qpm dependency add chatplex-sdk-bs
qpm restore
qpm qmod build
Add defines in CMakeLists.txt
after include(qpm_defines.cmake)
Add include path in CMakeLists.txt
after # codegen includes
# chatplex-sdk-bs includes
target_include_directories(${COMPILE_ID} PRIVATE ${EXTERN_DIR}/includes/chatplex-sdk-bs/shared)
Create your logger handler
#pragma once
#include <CP_SDK/Logging/ILogger.hpp>
namespace MyModNamespace {
/// @brief Logger instance holder
class Logger
/// @brief Logger instance
static CP_SDK::Logging::ILogger* Instance;
} ///< namespace MyModNamespace
Create your module declaration
#pragma once
#include "UI/SettingsLeftView.hpp"
#include "UI/SettingsMainView.hpp"
#include "MPConfig.hpp"
#include <CP_SDK/ModuleBase.hpp>
#include <CP_SDK/ChatPlexSDK.hpp>
namespace MyModNamespace {
/// @brief My Module
class MyModule : public CP_SDK::ModuleBase<Multiplayer>
CP_SDK::EIModuleBaseType Type() const override { return CP_SDK::EIModuleBaseType::External; }
std::u16string_view Name() const override { return u"MyModule"; }
std::u16string_view FancyName() const override { return u"MyModule"; }
std::u16string_view Description() const override { return u"My description"; }
std::u16string_view DocumentationURL() const override { return u"MyModule documentation URL"; }
bool UseChatFeatures() const override { return false; }
bool IsEnabled() const override { return true; }
void IsEnabled(bool p_Enabled) override { }
CP_SDK::EIModuleBaseActivationType ActivationType() const override { return CP_SDK::EIModuleBaseActivationType::OnMenuSceneLoaded; }
/// @brief Constructor
/// @brief Enable the Module
void OnEnable() override;
/// @brief Disable the Module
void OnDisable() override;
/// @brief Get Module settings UI
t_InitialViews GetSettingsViewControllers() override;
} ///< namespace MyModNamespace
Create your module implementation
#include "Multiplayer.hpp"
#include "Logger.hpp"
namespace MyModNamespace {
/// Constructor
/// @brief Enable the Module
void MyModule::OnEnable()
/// @brief Disable the Module
void MyModule::OnDisable()
/// @brief Get Module settings UI
MyModule::t_InitialViews MyModule::GetSettingsViewControllers()
return { nullptr, nullptr, nullptr};
} ///< namespace MyModNamespace
And to initilize the module
#include "Logger.hpp"
#include "MyModule.hpp"
#include <CP_SDK/ChatPlexSDK.hpp>
#include <CP_SDK/Logging/PaperLogger.hpp>
#include <beatsaber-hook/shared/utils/il2cpp-functions.hpp>
#include <custom-types/shared/register.hpp>
ModInfo s_ModInfo;
// Called at the early stages of game loading
extern "C" void setup(ModInfo& p_ModInfo)
{ = MOD_ID;
p_ModInfo.version = VERSION;
s_ModInfo = p_ModInfo;
auto l_Logger = new CP_SDK::Logging::BMBFLogger(new Logger(p_ModInfo, LoggerOptions(false, true)));
l_Logger->Error(u"MyModule Setuping!");
MyModNamespace::Logger::Instance = l_Logger;
CP_SDK::ChatPlexSDK::RegisterModule(new MyModNamespace::MyModule());
l_Logger->Error(u"MyModule Completed setup!");
// Called later on in the game loading - a good time to install function hooks
extern "C" void load()
MyModNamespace::Logger::Instance->Error(u"Registering custom types.");
- Fern
- Pink
- RedBrumbler
- Sc2ad