Here via this repository we want to check if distributed logging/tracing is provided by istio. we are checking below mentioned flows
- FlowOne - A(success)-B(success)-C(success)-D(success) - output = 200
- FlowTwo - B(success)-D(success)-C(success)-A(success) - output = 200
- FlowThree - D(success)-C(success)-B(success)-A(success) - output = 200
- FlowFour - A(success)-B(fail)-C(success)-D(fail)- output = 200
- FlowFive - A(success)-B(fail)-C(fail)-D(fail)- output = 500
- A tracing chart showing spans from all the MiS showing which microservices took how much time and what was the response code.
- If any microservice failed to serve the request then it should be shown in the tracing chart spans.
- Ability to find span using request id
MISA :- http://localhost:3000 MISB :- http://localhost:3001 MISC :- http://localhost:3002 MISD :- http://localhost:3003 Fortio:- http://localhost:8080/fortio/