Eagle files for Version 2 of Fleetwood hardware.
Hi reader! The PCB in this project is not ready for production. Parts have not been finalised, traces not yet routed. It's a work in progress.
Latest YouTube project update here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HE-3FGcSKfI YouTube channel generally full of my MQTT ramblings here: https://www.youtube.com/user/hazymat
Do take a look at the photo of Fleetwood's first prototype installed in the home, included in the repo.
- This project is not ready for production
- The board is based on Freetronics EtherMegaR3 (https://github.com/freetronics/EtherMega)
- Spec as per EtherMega with following changes
- Inclusion of 7 LED tactile switches, a click rotary encoder, and OLED display, for controlling home automation hub by MQTT
- Change form factor to better fit a double wall socket back box - dry lining box and metal back box
- Removal of SD card to save space
- Removal of USB to serial to save space (use external FTDI or TFTP upload of sketch to bootloader)
- Built-in support for either DIY PoE or 802.3af PoE - as per original EtherMega
- Ethernet jack moved away from side of board to allow more space for cable / plug insertion in wall box
This work is licensed under the
Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.
To view a copy of this license, visit
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Creative Commons
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California, 94105
The "license" folder within this repository also contains copies of the licences referenced above.
The EtherMega was designed by Marc Alexander (marc@freetronics.com) and Jonathan Oxer (jon@freetronics.com) based on previous work by the Arduino team (www.arduino.cc/playground/Main/People) which includes:
- Massimo Banzi
- David Cuartielles
- Tom Igoe
- Gianluca Martino
- David A. Mellis