This is a project that I made by myself, it's a GoogleMeet plateform like, using JS, REACT and WebRTC.
- Video/Audio Meeting
- Rooms security (Required owner approval to join)
- Easy to send link (Because it's the same url has your's)
- Front, which is all the client side application
- SignallingServer, which is the service where clients will be connect to when joining a room. This Server store all the data of the rooms because I was too lazy to create a API and Database :P
-, which is a script to install and launch everything
- Install NodeJS (
- Clone/Download
git clone
- Go in the reop
cd HugoMeet
- Launch the services
sudo ./
- Open your browser (
- Download pm2
npm i -g pm2
- Go to the front folder
cd front
- Install all the packages required
npm i
- Start front service
pm2 start npm --Name "HotFront" -- start
- Go to the SignallingServer folder
cd ../SignallingServer
- Install all the packages required
npm i
- Start SignallingServer
pm2 node signallingServer.js
- Try your browser again (