Hello welcome to my monorepo, here you'll find all my web projects such has:
- frontend
- hugocabel.com My portfolio website (NextJs, ThreeJs, ...)
- hugomeet my meeting platform (React, WebRTC, ...)
- backend
- hugomeet-SS Hugo meet signaling server (NodeJs, ws, ...)
- project-api
RestApi that manage my projects, mainly use for data caching from external API (NodeJs, Express, ...)
Contain a "mocking" app to test the routes (it's pretty cool) - telemetry-api RestApi that manage my telemetry data (NodeJs, Express, ...)
- portfolio-e2e My portfolio e2e tests (Cypress)
- And more to come... maybe... depend of my mood
That were all the "final products" are available, like website, Api, testing, ect... If it can run on it's own, it's here.
That were all the "libraries" are available, like components, services, ect... If it can't run on it's own, it's here.
I have no idea what to put here, but I'm sure I'll find something.
Do not hesitate to create issue/discussion or even PR if you have any idea or suggestion.