Provides easy model synchronization and easy access to data for faster cross reality prototyping for research.
Colibri focuses on three key areas:
- Low Barrier: Setup and Development is as simple as possible, with little to no configuration/code required.
- Multi-Platform: Colibri (currently) supports synchronization between Unity and Web
- Lab Conditions: XR Research prototypes often benefit from ideal lab conditions, allowing Colibri to focus on low latency and high throughput (at the cost of potential bandwidth savings and some performance).
Please see the folders for more specific information: Unity - Web (JS/TS) - Server
This is the code repository of the ISMAR'23 Adjunct publication for the "1st Joint Workshop on Cross Reality":
Sebastian Hubenschmid*, Daniel Immanuel Fink*, Johannes Zagermann, Jonathan Wieland, Harald Reiterer, Tiare Feuchtner. In: ISMAR'23 Adjunct. 2023. Colibri: A toolkit for rapid prototyping of networking across realities. doi: 10.1109/ISMAR-Adjunct60411.2023.00010
For questions or feedback, please contact Sebastian Hubenschmid (GitHub) or Daniel Fink (GitHub).
The following research projects were built using (early versions of) Colibri.