Releases: heremaps/
New Features
- Split theme to stable and unstable parts in #2331
- Lookup style operator in #2329
- Implements simple style variable definition in #2342
- Adds support for FlatTheme in JsonSchema generation in #2344
Bug Fixes,
- Fixes #2295 Remove guide to prevent confusion in #2313
- Change URL caching inside ThemeLoader in #2318
- Debug karma tests n #2340
- Fix shader compilation in Safari 15 on MacOS Monterrey. in #2337
- Fixes Frame Complete in #2338
- Minor style fix in #2349
- Fixes missing Marker on not loaded icon in #2347
- Fixes Style Evaluator expression for cached step expression in #2350
Updated dependencies
Full Changelog: v0.27.1...v0.28.0
Changes in dependencies
Full Changelog by package name
@here/harp-olp-utils v0.27.0..latest
@here/ v0.27.0..latest
- 6745057 MINOR: fixed links to doc in README
API changes
- c7f303e Deprecate some camera-related functions in MapViewUtils (#2263).
- a3b58b6 Deprecate old signature of orbitAroundScreenPoint in favor or new one where parameters are passed as an object implementing an OrbitParams interface (#2281).
- 6935082 Deprecate focalLength getter in MapView in favor of CameraUtils.getFocalLength. (#2305).
- 4432ea4 Deprecate multiple functions in MapViewUtils and TileOffsetUtils (#2302):
- MapViewUtils.estimateObject3dSize moved to Object3DUtils.estimateSize.
- MapViewUtils.MemoryUsage moved to Object3DUtils.MemoryUsage.
- MapViewUtils.getBrowserLanguages moved to DOMUtils.getBrowserLanguages.
- TileOffsetUtils.getKeyForTileKeyAndOffset moved to TileKeyUtils.getKeyForTileKeyAndOffset.
New Features
- Camera's principal point can be set now using CameraUtils.setPrincipalPoint.
Bug fixes
Full Changelog by package name
@here/harp-geoutils v0.26.0..latest
@here/harp-map-controls v0.26.0..latest
- 6935082 MAPSJS-2660: Move camera-related code to CameraUtils and simplify CameraUtils API.
- a3b58b6 MAPSJS-2660: Support off-center projection in MapControls. (#2281)
@here/harp-mapview-decoder v0.26.0..latest
@here/harp-mapview v0.26.0..latest
- 4432ea4 MAPSJS-2660: Clean MapViewUtils namespace (#2302)
- 6935082 MAPSJS-2660: Move camera-related code to CameraUtils and simplify CameraUtils API.
- 5616f35 MAPSJS-2660: Support off-center projection in SphereHorizon and BoundsGenerator.
- a417725 MAPSJS-2660: BoundsGenerator cleanup.
- cdb3d50 MAPSJS-2660: Support off-center projection in getFitBoundsDistance() (#2294)
- bccab08 MAPSJS-2983 Write to the console if we need too many attempts getting… (#2284)
- a3b58b6 MAPSJS-2660: Support off-center projection in MapControls. (#2281)
- fbba18f Support oblique perspective projection in ClipPlanesEvaluator (#2249)
- 13b1c4b HARP-16533 Worker connection timeout can be configured (#2287)
- c7f303e MAPSJS-2660: Move camera functions from MapViewUtils to CameraUtils. (#2263)
- a3131f6 MAPSJS-2660: Remove Orthographic camera from ClipPlanesEvaluator. (#2251)
- 8ecd5f7 Accurate near distance for spherical projection. (#2245)
- c579784 ClipPlanesEvaluator cleanup (#2244)
@here/harp-materials v0.26.0..latest
@here/harp-olp-utils v0.26.0..latest
@here/harp-text-canvas v0.26.0..latest
- 7a6da80 MINOR: Increase timeout for FontCatalogTest.
@here/harp-utils v0.26.0..latest
@here/harp-vectortile-datasource v0.26.0..latest
Changes in dependencies
- 7b9591d HARP-15180 Upgrading yeoman because it has a transitive dependency (axios) which is out of date (#2202)
- f0176d0 HARP-15657 Upgrade three.js from 127 -> 129 (#2219)
API changes
- 8059a69 TopViewClipPlanesEvaluator is deprecated. TiltedViewClipPlanesEvaluator (used by default) supports top-down views.
- 383e063 Remove deprecated InterpolatedClipPlanesEvaluator.
- 9297952 Allow dynamic properties for size
- 81f8e59 HARP-14862: add tile coordinates to pick results (#2220)
- 7b4d481 MAPSJS-2953: Support custom DataAdapters for VectorTileDecoder. (#2203)
Bug fixes
- 0f8617b HARP-14728 Don't add ground plane to geojson (#2215)
- 0ea1a7a HARP-15488 Don't add ground planes to FeatureDataSources
- 8d70961 HARP-15210: Wait for texture GPU upload on TileGeometryCreator. (#2225)
- 8af2813 MINOR: Fix wrong parameter type in overridden function
- 9bff7be MINOR: Fix theme extends to respect multiple image textures (#2230)
- 8d70961 HARP-15210: Wait for texture GPU upload on TileGeometryCreator. (#2225)
- 21f5d10 HARP-15773 Fixes VisibleTileSet::markTilesDirty bug (#2217)
- 67eaa32 HARP-15480 Fix colors not being set correctly on custom materials (#2196)
- 8af2813 MINOR: Fix wrong parameter type in overridden function
- e15ae90 HARP-15773 WebTileDataSource avoids the TileGeometryLoader (#2218)
- b576fd5 HARP-16397 Don't run the script (#2259
Changes to examples
Full Changelog by package name
@here/ v0.25.0..latest
- 7b9591d HARP-15180 Upgrading yeoman because it has a transitive dependency (axios) which is out of date (#2202)
@here/harp-datasource-protocol v0.25.0..latest
- 9297952 Allow dynamic properties for size
- f0176d0 HARP-15657 Upgrade three.js from 127 -> 129 (#2219)
@here/harp-debug-datasource v0.25.0..latest
@here/harp-examples v0.25.0..latest
- 917ad87 MINOR: Add dynamic change of shadow map resolution (#2239)
- f0176d0 HARP-15657 Upgrade three.js from 127 -> 129 (#2219)
- 0f8617b HARP-14728 Don't add ground plane to geojson (#2215)
- 0ea1a7a HARP-15488 Don't add ground planes to FeatureDataSources
@here/harp-features-datasource v0.25.0..latest
- f0176d0 HARP-15657 Upgrade three.js from 127 -> 129 (#2219)
- 0ea1a7a HARP-15488 Don't add ground planes to FeatureDataSources
@here/harp-geojson-datasource v0.25.0..latest
@here/harp-geometry v0.25.0..latest
@here/harp-geoutils v0.25.0..latest
@here/harp-lines v0.25.0..latest
@here/harp-map-controls v0.25.0..latest
@here/harp-mapview-decoder v0.25.0..latest
- 8d70961 HARP-15210: Wait for texture GPU upload on TileGeometryCreator. (#2225)
- 8af2813 MINOR: Fix wrong parameter type in overridden function
@here/harp-mapview v0.25.0..latest
- 8059a69 MINOR: Deprecate TopViewClipPlanesEvaluator.
- 383e063 MINOR: Remove deprecated InterpolatedClipPlanesEvaluator.
- 9bff7be MINOR: Fix theme extends to respect multiple image textures (#2230)
- 8d70961 HARP-15210: Wait for texture GPU upload on TileGeometryCreator. (#2225)
- 81f8e59 HARP-14862: add tile coordinates to pick results (#2220)
- f0176d0 HARP-15657 Upgrade three.js from 127 -> 129 (#2219)
- 21f5d10 HARP-15773 Fixes VisibleTileSet::markTilesDirty bug (#2217)
- 0f8617b HARP-14728 Don't add ground plane to geojson (#2215)
- 67eaa32 HARP-15480 Fix colors not being set correctly on custom materials (#2196)
@here/harp-materials v0.25.0..latest
@here/harp-omv-datasource v0.25.0..latest
@here/harp-test-utils v0.25.0..latest
@here/harp-text-canvas v0.25.0..latest
@here/harp-vectortile-datasource v0.25.0..latest
- f0176d0 HARP-15657 Upgrade three.js from 127 -> 129 (#2219)
- 7b4d481 MAPSJS-2953: Support custom DataAdapters for VectorTileDecoder. (#2203)
- 8af2813 MINOR: Fix wrong parameter type in overridden function
@here/harp-webtile-datasource v0.25.0..latest
- f0176d0 HARP-15657 Upgrade three.js from 127 -> 129 (#2219)
- e15ae90 HARP-15773 WebTileDataSource avoids the TileGeometryLoader (#2218)
@here/ v0.25.0..latest
Changes in dependencies
API changes
- 57993f8 Number of texture related properties like
, etc. can now be used as dynamic parameters (#2171)
Bug fixes
- f7efd1e HARP-14417: fix picking of polygon outlines
- 9124dda HARP-14633: island geometry disappears on a certain zoom level
- 4c4e542 HARP-10066 HARP-14402 Fixes #2158 Fix flickering (#2163)
- 9124dda HARP-14633: island geometry disappears on a certain zoom level
Full Changelog by package name
@here/ v0.24.0..v0.25.0
@here/harp-datasource-protocol v0.24.0..v0.25.0
- b5c7a1a HARP-15183: Make standard technique's color modifiable at render time.
- cb96eaf MAPSJS-2783: Faster creation of keys for techniques with dynamic array buffer properties. (#2182)
- e04d289 MAPSJS-2783: Fix dynamic technique keys for array buffers.
- 57993f8 MAPSJS: Support dynamic overlays using dynamic attributes. (#2171)
- f49827f HARP-15017 Upgrade three to r127 (#2167)
@here/harp-debug-datasource v0.24.0..v0.25.0
- b63d78e HARP-14470: Fix test coverage report (#2173)
- f49827f HARP-15017 Upgrade three to r127 (#2167)
@here/harp-examples v0.24.0..v0.25.0
- 3640547 HARP-15446: Control options are not accessible for screen anchor example (#2200)
- 50358bf HARP-15031 Move boxes up by half the height to ensure that they sit on top of the buildings (#2188)
- 2f10962 HARP-14678 Fix tile dependencies not working (#2186)
- f49827f HARP-15017 Upgrade three to r127 (#2167)
- 79c12d4 MINOR: Fix input handling in dynamic markers example. (#2153)
@here/harp-features-datasource v0.24.0..v0.25.0
@here/harp-geojson-datasource v0.24.0..v0.25.0
@here/harp-geometry v0.24.0..v0.25.0
- f49827f HARP-15017 Upgrade three to r127 (#2167)
- 9124dda HARP-14633: island geometry disappears on certain zoom level
@here/harp-geoutils v0.24.0..v0.25.0
@here/harp-lines v0.24.0..v0.25.0
- b63d78e HARP-14470: Fix test coverage report (#2173)
- f49827f HARP-15017 Upgrade three to r127 (#2167)
@here/harp-map-controls v0.24.0..v0.25.0
- f49827f HARP-15017 Upgrade three to r127 (#2167)
- 79c12d4 MINOR: Fix input handling in dynamic markers example. (#2153)
@here/harp-mapview v0.24.0..v0.25.0
- 2f10962 HARP-14678 Fix tile dependencies not working (#2186)
- b63d78e HARP-14470: Fix test coverage report (#2173)
- 943588e HARP-14553: Ignore small distance differences when sorting pick results.
- 57993f8 MAPSJS: Support dynamic overlays using dynamic attributes. (#2171)
- 92f3d29 HARP-14417: add unit tests for 'PickHandler'
- f7efd1e HARP-14417: fix picking of polygon outlines
- f49827f HARP-15017 Upgrade three to r127 (#2167)
@here/harp-materials v0.24.0..v0.25.0
- f49827f HARP-15017 Upgrade three to r127 (#2167)
- 4c4e542 HARP-10066 HARP-14402 Fixes #2158 Fix flickering (#2163)
@here/harp-omv-datasource v0.24.0..v0.25.0
@here/harp-test-utils v0.24.0..v0.25.0
- b63d78e HARP-14470: Fix test coverage report (#2173)
- f49827f HARP-15017 Upgrade three to r127 (#2167)
@here/harp-text-canvas v0.24.0..v0.25.0
@here/harp-utils v0.24.0..v0.25.0
@here/harp-vectortile-datasource v0.24.0..v0.25.0
- b63d78e HARP-14470: Fix test coverage report (#2173)
- f49827f HARP-15017 Upgrade three to r127 (#2167)
- 9124dda HARP-14633: island geometry disappears on certain zoom level
@here/harp-webtile-datasource v0.24.0..v0.25.0
@here/ v0.24.0..v0.25.0
Release 0.24.0
Changes in dependencies
API changes
Bug fixes
This fixes the broken latest
tag on
Unfortunately it isn't possible to remove the tag using: npm dist-tag rm @here/<pkg>
, because we have scoped packages which aren't supported. npm unpublish @here/harp-mapview@v0.22.1
also doesn't work.
Hence I resorted to do a patch release to ensure that v0.23
is the latest
package on
I needed a commit also, hence: faf2b83
Release v0.23.0
Changes in dependencies
API changes
- a2a323d HARP-14086: Deprecate GeometryKind filtering (#2100)
- To filter features dynamically, use BaseTechniqueParams.enabled with expressions based on
operator. See object picking example.
- To filter features dynamically, use BaseTechniqueParams.enabled with expressions based on
- b20f388 HARP-13136: Adds forcePickable to fill technique, to force invisible polygons being pickable (#2064)
- d6dcb53 HARP-11013: Support GeoJson feature ids (#2104)
- 773cd66 MINOR: Adds dataSourceName reference in the PickResult (#2132)
Bug fixes
- e3a9ec3 HARP-14257: Fix geojson stress example (#2122)
- ffdb21c MINOR: Do not filter styles by minZoomLevel in StyleSetEvaluator.
- c4790fb HARP-13235: Fix altitude in mercator (#2055)
- d974007 Enable shadows on WebTiles (#2125)
- 1ce7e36 MINOR: Fix error message on Datasource connection failure. (#2124)
- b3029fe HARP-13901: Fix THREE.Line and THREE.LineSegments picking. (#2075)
- f070f1b HARP-13952: Handle error states, like 404 in OmvRestClient (#2112)
- 5fc1232 HARP-13229: Fix conversion from world space to local tile space. (#2101)
- fe19681 HARP-14502: Fixes blue-ish webtiles on sphere (#2133)
- eae990a HARP-14500: Fixes blinking webtiles on globe (#2134)
Full Changelog by package name
@here/harp-datasource-protocol v0.22.0..v0.23.0
- 3edcac6 Updates three to version 0.125.0 (#2129)
- e3a9ec3 HARP-14257: Fix geojson stress example (#2122)
- cf0ea3f MINOR: Make constantHeight technique property dynamic. (#2108)
- d6dcb53 HARP-11013: Support GeoJson feature ids (#2104)
- a2a323d HARP-14086: Deprecate GeometryKind filtering.
- ffdb21c MINOR: Do not filter styles by minZoomLevel in StyleSetEvaluator.
- c4790fb HARP-13235: Fix altitude in mercator (#2055)
- b20f388 HARP-13136: Adds forcePickable to fill technique, to force invisible … (#2064)
@here/harp-debug-datasource v0.22.0..v0.23.0
@here/harp-examples v0.22.0..v0.23.0
- 3edcac6 Updates three to version 0.125.0 (#2129)
- d974007 Enable shadows on WebTiles (#2125)
- c4790fb HARP-13235: Fix altitude in mercator (#2055)
@here/harp-features-datasource v0.22.0..v0.23.0
@here/harp-geojson-datasource v0.22.0..v0.23.0
@here/harp-geometry v0.22.0..v0.23.0
@here/harp-geoutils v0.22.0..v0.23.0
@here/harp-lines v0.22.0..v0.23.0
@here/harp-map-controls v0.22.0..v0.23.0
- 3edcac6 Updates three to version 0.125.0 (#2129)
- f638162 HARP-13852 Unit test for toggleTilt animation (#2069)
@here/harp-map-theme v0.22.0..v0.23.0
@here/harp-mapview-decoder v0.22.0..v0.23.0
- e3a9ec3 HARP-14257: Fix geojson stress example (#2122)
- d6dcb53 HARP-11013: Support GeoJson feature ids (#2104)
@here/harp-mapview v0.22.0..v0.23.0
- 773cd66 MINOR: Adds dataSourceName reference in the PickResult (#2132)
- 3edcac6 Updates three to version 0.125.0 (#2129)
- d974007 Enable shadows on WebTiles (#2125)
- 1ce7e36 MINOR: Fix error message on Datasource connection failure. (#2124)
- e3a9ec3 HARP-14257: Fix geojson stress example (#2122)
- d6dcb53 HARP-11013: Support GeoJson feature ids (#2104)
- a2a323d HARP-14086: Deprecate GeometryKind filtering.
- b3029fe HARP-13901: Fix THREE.Line and THREE.LineSegments picking. (#2075)
- b20f388 HARP-13136: Adds forcePickable to fill technique, to force invisible … (#2064)
@here/harp-materials v0.22.0..v0.23.0
@here/harp-olp-utils v0.22.0..v0.23.0
@here/harp-omv-datasource v0.22.0..v0.23.0
@here/harp-test-utils v0.22.0..v0.23.0
- 3edcac6 Updates three to version 0.125.0 (#2129)
- f638162 HARP-13852 Unit test for toggleTilt animation (#2069)
@here/harp-text-canvas v0.22.0..v0.23.0
@here/harp-transfer-manager v0.22.0..v0.23.0
@here/harp-vectortile-datasource v0.22.0..v0.23.0
- 3edcac6 Updates three to version 0.125.0 (#2129)
- 1ce7e36 MINOR: Fix error message on Datasource connection failure. (#2124)
- 6de3762 MINOR: Increase timeout for picking tests.
- cf0ea3f MINOR: Make constantHeight technique property dynamic. (#2108)
- f070f1b HARP-13952: Handle error states, like 404 in OmvRestClient (#2112)
- d6dcb53 HARP-11013: Support GeoJson feature ids (#2104)
- 5fc1232 HARP-13229: Fix conversion from world space to local tile space.
- a2a323d HARP-14086: Deprecate GeometryKind filtering.
- 34bfbb4 HARP-13254: Enfore the winding convention expected by the vt decoder.
- b3029fe HARP-13901: Fix THREE.Line and THREE.LineSegments picking. (#2075)
- c4790fb HARP-13235: Fix altitude in mercator (#2055)
- b20f388 HARP-13136: Adds forcePickable to fill technique, to force invisible … (#2064)
@here/harp-webtile-datasource v0.22.0..v0.23.0
- fe19681 HARP-14502: Fixes blue-ish webtiles on sphere (#2133)
- eae990a HARP-14500: Fixes blinking webtiles on globe (#2134)
- 3edcac6 Updates three to version 0.125.0 (#2129)
- d974007 Enable shadows on WebTiles (#2125)
@here/ v0.22.0..v0.23.0
Release v0.22.0
Changes in dependencies
Most dependencies were updated, e.g.:
- 460405f HARP-13604 Upgrade three.js to r124 (#2027)
- df73a5e HARP-12728: Add support for webpack5 (#1917)
- cdc0824 HARP-13032 Use karma for testing harp with selenium.
- f6874ae HARP-13721: update Prettier to v2
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
API changes
value in technique is not inclusive, so the technique is enabled within the range[minZoomLevel, maxZoomLevel)
.- d7754a8 MINOR: Removes default font catalog option (#2015)
- bd7a42d HARP-12599: Deprecates
DataSource.setTheme(theme, languages)
(#1953), useDataSource.setTheme(theme)
New Features
- 2183218 HARP-12959 Support GeoJSON point features with altitude for pre-tiled data. (#1973)
- 9c589d4 TextElementsRenderer supports Font updates (#2008)
Full changelog
@here/ v0.21.0..latest
@here/ v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- 03c4360 Update test utils dependencies
- da27da7 Fixes #1947 Fix webpack reordering import statements (#1955)
@here/harp-atlas-tools v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- f6874ae HARP-13721: update Prettier to v2
- 44b5a42 Update pack dependencies (#2039)
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
@here/harp-datasource-protocol v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- d2c4078 HARP-13812: Tune the default value of extruded-polygon's constantHeight.
- 3b44f2c HARP-13785: Fix multiple label fading issues. (#2060)
- 03c4360 Update test utils dependencies
- acb2690 Update ESLint packages
- f6874ae HARP-13721: update Prettier to v2
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
- 9d2b004 HARP-13493: Make maxZoomLevel value in technique non inclusive (#2016)
- 460405f HARP-13604 Upgrade three.js to r124 (#2027)
- 75e1be5 HARP-13367: Update Three JS (0.123.0) (#2010)
- f46fc6b Add support for the slice operator.
- aabe350 HARP-12581: Move TextElement construction into builders. (#1988)
- da0e3b6 HARP-12867: Use min/maxZoomLevel as default values for label visibilty.
- 8afcd67 Fix the visibility of techniques using min/maxZoomLevel.
- 441876a MINOR: Dont throw, if a Decoder has no style assigned (#1956)
- bd7a42d HARP-12599: Deprecates setTheme(theme, languages) (#1953)
- e9e44a6 HARP-12700: Disposal of POI resources by reference counting. (#1946)
- e66365f FlatTheme support (#1945)
- d230e1e HARP-12776 Upgrade three.js to r122 (#1948)
- 61c7204 v0.21.1
- a0b5ec2 HARP-12599: Moves Priority Handling to StyleSetEvaluator (#1927)
@here/harp-debug-datasource v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- 03c4360 Update test utils dependencies
- f6874ae HARP-13721: update Prettier to v2
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
- 460405f HARP-13604 Upgrade three.js to r124 (#2027)
- 75e1be5 HARP-13367: Update Three JS (0.123.0) (#2010)
- d230e1e HARP-12776 Upgrade three.js to r122 (#1948)
- 61c7204 v0.21.1
@here/harp-examples v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- acb2690 Update ESLint packages
- f6874ae HARP-13721: update Prettier to v2
- 306b1b4 HARP-13809: Fix Webpack caching for multiple configurations.
- 44b5a42 Update pack dependencies (#2039)
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
- 460405f HARP-13604 Upgrade three.js to r124 (#2027)
- 75e1be5 HARP-13367: Update Three JS (0.123.0) (#2010)
- df73a5e HARP-12728: Add support for webpack5 (#1917)
- f3112bc Upgrade highlight.js
- f729dac MINOR: Add dynamic markers example. (#1997)
- 2183218 HARP-12959 Support GeoJSON point features with altitude for pre-tiled data. (#1973)
- 7824047 HARP-12923 Fix link not working in textured areas example (#1971)
- 7c16e28 Fix invalidation of GeoJson inputs.
- 4bee8dc Add an example using min/maxZoomLevel.
- d230e1e HARP-12776 Upgrade three.js to r122 (#1948)
- 047024d HARP-12599: Deprecates Datasource.setStyleSet (#1936)
- d8b171f HARP-12599: Remove access of deprecated MapView.theme accessors and fix resulting errors (#1928)
- 61c7204 v0.21.1
- a0b5ec2 HARP-12599: Moves Priority Handling to StyleSetEvaluator (#1927)
- d2639f2 HARP-12599: Moves Priority Handling to StyleSetEvaluator (#1927)
- fe17315 HARP-12779: Fix documentation for tile dependencies example (#1939)
@here/harp-features-datasource v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- 03c4360 Update test utils dependencies
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
- 460405f HARP-13604 Upgrade three.js to r124 (#2027)
- 75e1be5 HARP-13367: Update Three JS (0.123.0) (#2010)
- d230e1e HARP-12776 Upgrade three.js to r122 (#1948)
- 61c7204 v0.21.1
@here/harp-fetch v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- 03c4360 Update test utils dependencies
- f6874ae HARP-13721: update Prettier to v2
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
@here/harp-geojson-datasource v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- 03c4360 Update test utils dependencies
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
- 460405f HARP-13604 Upgrade three.js to r124 (#2027)
- 75e1be5 HARP-13367: Update Three JS (0.123.0) (#2010)
- d230e1e HARP-12776 Upgrade three.js to r122 (#1948)
- 61c7204 v0.21.1
@here/harp-geometry v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- 0661e04 HARP-11233: Store the clipping states in the ring vertices
- 03c4360 Update test utils dependencies
- f6874ae HARP-13721: update Prettier to v2
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
- 2c4ebb6 HARP-13329: Fix antimeridian cracks on ground planes. (#2018)
- 460405f HARP-13604 Upgrade three.js to r124 (#2027)
- 75e1be5 HARP-13367: Update Three JS (0.123.0) (#2010)
- b72683d HARP-13251: Add support for wrapping lines crossing the antimeridian.
- d230e1e HARP-12776 Upgrade three.js to r122 (#1948)
- 52ae1de HARP-12403: Add support for clipping lines against the tile bounds.
@here/harp-geoutils v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- 03c4360 Update test utils dependencies
- f6874ae HARP-13721: update Prettier to v2
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
- 460405f HARP-13604 Upgrade three.js to r124 (#2027)
- 75e1be5 HARP-13367: Update Three JS (0.123.0) (#2010)
- 2183218 HARP-12959 Support GeoJSON point features with altitude for pre-tiled data. (#1973)
- d230e1e HARP-12776 Upgrade three.js to r122 (#1948)
@here/harp-lines v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- 03c4360 Update test utils dependencies
- f6874ae HARP-13721: update Prettier to v2
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
- 460405f HARP-13604 Upgrade three.js to r124 (#2027)
- 75e1be5 HARP-13367: Update Three JS (0.123.0) (#2010)
- d230e1e HARP-12776 Upgrade three.js to r122 (#1948)
- 61c7204 v0.21.1
@here/harp-lrucache v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- 03c4360 Update test utils dependencies
- f6874ae HARP-13721: update Prettier to v2
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
@here/harp-map-controls v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- 67e1fcb HARP-13852 Increase precision, otherwise tilt is too inaccurate (#2062)
- 03c4360 Update test utils dependencies
- f6874ae HARP-13721: update Prettier to v2
- c254ae4 Update Tween dependency
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
- 460405f HARP-13604 Upgrade three.js to r124 (#2027)
- 75e1be5 HARP-13367: Update Three JS (0.123.0) (#2010)
- d230e1e HARP-12776 Upgrade three.js to r122 (#1948)
- 61c7204 v0.21.1
@here/harp-map-theme v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- 03c4360 Update test utils dependencies
- f6874ae HARP-13721: update Prettier to v2
- 44b5a42 Update pack dependencies (#2039)
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
- 61c7204 v0.21.1
- a0b5ec2 HARP-12599: Moves Priority Handling to StyleSetEvaluator (#1927)
@here/harp-mapview-decoder v0.21.0..latest
- 26af77d HARP-13770: Update the copyright header (#2058)
- 03c4360 Update test utils dependencies
- f6874ae HARP-13721: update Prettier to v2
- 28e9afd Update typescript to 4.1.2 (#2026)
- d77100d HARP-13032 Fix console messages with karma
- 5fd6d51 HARP-12989 Fix extra console entries in tests (#1972)
- 7c16e28 Fix invalidation of GeoJson inputs.
- 40a856b HARP-12868: Fix Tile and TileGeometryLoader tests (#1963)
- c60b6c4 HARP-12352: subsequent DataProvider.register() returns early
- 441876a MINOR: Dont throw, if a Decoder has no style assigned (#1956)
- bd7a42d HARP-12599: Deprecates setTheme(theme, languages) (#1953)
- e66365f FlatTheme support (#1945)
- 047024d HARP-12599: Deprecates Datasource.setStyleSet (#1936)
- 61c7204 v0.21.1
- a0b5ec2 HARP-12599: Moves Priority Handling to StyleSetEvaluator (#1927)
@here/harp-mapview v0.21.0..latest