- Fork this repo
- Clone it with
git clone git@github.com:<your_github_username>/orvar
- Start developing
sudo apt install libpng-dev
npm i && npm start
Documentation: Type of enzyme test coverage:
- functions: check if the return value from function matches expectation
- branches: every outcome from a code module is tested. For example, if the outcomes are binary, you need to test both True and False outcomes. (if else)
- Statement: Statement coverage is a white box test design technique which involves execution of all the executable statements in the source code at least once
- lines: Make sure every line is run without error
Assummed TDD flow:
- Come our with basic MVP wireframe
- Function test:
- Write out expected functionality
- create function
- feed in hardcoded data and output result
- test whether funtion return expected result
- work on the function logic
- run test script again to make sure things work
- Branches test
- Define all the possible branches (if else switch case)
- write out all the cases
- hard code all the cases
- feed in hardcoded data and output result
- make sure each and every branch have their own test
- run some sample use case to make sure it is working correctly