My own linux shell programmed in c
A simple program for running linux and some of my own commands
- readline library
- linux
sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev
gcc main.c -lreadline ./a.out
My own commands
fw fileaddress
Prints first word of every line in the given file
hr fileaddress
Prints the most repeated word in the given file
rs fileaddress
Removes whitespase from file
nc fileaddress
Prints lines which do not start with # in the given file
lc fileaddress
Counts number of lines in the given file
tl fileaddress
Prints first ten line in the given file
Use following command to close the programm because you can not use ctrl + c to terminate the bash (signal handling)
You can see command instruction by using follosing command
- Ghazale Chakane
- Mohammad Hesam Imani